The Language of the Future
Sufi Terminology
by Murshid F.A. Ali ElSenossi

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75 of 325 search results for: spirit


(Hajj). Pilgrimage to the Sacred Mosque, the House of Allah, at the Centre of Mecca. Hajj is the Ultimate Journey to Knowledge of Allah Who dwells in the secret centre of the human heart. Here the treasury of spiritual realities is to be discovered. ...

Spiritual State

(Hal). A spiritual state which overwhelms the heart. A hal enters the heart as a gift and a bestowal of Allah's Infinite Grace upon His slave. A spiritual state cannot be attained through effort, desire or invitation. It arrives unexpectedly and dep...


(Halak). There is a waystation (Manzil) of destruction which is connected to the whims and caprices of the ego. This halak is caused by reflecting upon and delving into certain forms of knowledge which should not be investigated. It is a place of dan...


(Halqa). This is the spiritual gathering in which the members of a tariqa devote themselves to the Remembrance of Allah (Dhikrullah). Each 'one who remembers' becomes like a link in a circular chain. Immense spiritual energy (Barakah) can be attract...

Spiritual Realities

(Haqaiq). Each existent entity has its own specific spiritual reality which is its relationship with the Real (al Haqq).

haqiqat al-irshad
Reality of Guidance

(Haqiqat al Irshad). This is the power which enables the seeker of Truth to follow the Path and reach his destination, once he has been aligned to that Path. The Guide is always Allah, (al Hadi), Who guides through the being of the Murshid or Spirit...

haqiqat al-jadhbah
Reality of Attraction

(Haqiqat al Jadhbah). This is the power which enables one to draw anything to himself, from inanimate objects to humans. Haqiqat al jadhbah is of immense power and is only given to the spiritually advanced and mature Man. Such a Man is the only one w...

haqiqat at-tawassul
Reality of Connection

(Haqiqat at Tawassul). This is the power to connect at all times to Allah. For the seeker this connection is through the Shaykhs of the spiritual chain. For the friends of Allah it is directly through the Holy Prophet Muhammad himself (May the Salut...

haqiqat at-tayy
Reality of folding space

(Haqiqat at Tayy). The secret of this reality is revealed to the one who brings his physical body under control and encases it within his spiritual body. Allah gives this power only to the elect of His friends. It is the power to travel, at will, va...


(Hayat). The Spiritual Journey is the growth and development of the self as it travels from darkness to light, from ignorance to knowledge, from death to life (hayat). This is the finding of Life in Allah.

hayat al-ruh
Life of the Spirit

(Hayat al Ruh). After the heart has been brought to life, through purification and the Remembrance of Allah, the traveller continues his spiritual endeavour in order to bring the spirit to life. This 'bringing to life' is through Allah's Grace.

hayat ash-sha'ur
Life of the Senses

(Hayat ash Sha'ur). . This is the highest state of realiation of Allah. It is the seventh sense through which the entire body is spiritualised within Allah. It is the state of 'seeing without eyes' and 'hearing without ears' and 'speaking without a t...


(Haybah). The awe or reverential fear experienced by the slave when faced by the Incomparability of Allah, His Majesty and Transcendence, His Inaccessibility, Magnificence and Power. Such a state of godfearingness ensures that the slave will keep him...


(Hayrah). Bewilderment, perplexity or wonderment. Hayrah indicates a moment of utter perplexity, when the mind ceases to function, unable as it is to resolve or find an answer to a particular spiritual impasse. At such a blessed time, for it is by th...


(Hijab). A veil or curtain. Everything that hides the object of your search from your eye. Hijab hides Allah from man, the outer form of a thing veils its inner meaning. In the initial stages of the Journey of Return to the Source the traveller is ve...