The Language of the Future
Sufi Terminology
by Murshid F.A. Ali ElSenossi

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Surrendered inwardly

(Mustaslim). The one who is inwardly surrendered to the Will of Allah. This is an exalted condition for man to attain. It is reached through sincere endeavour, high 'spiritual resolve', untainted love of Allah and His Messenger and ultimately through...

Sustainer, The

(Al Razzaq). One of the Beautiful Names of Allah.


(Rizq). Allah is our Provider and our sustenance has been determined since pre-Eternity. The cosmos has no subsistence except through Allah and the Attributes of Divinity have no subsistence except through the cosmos, therefore each of the two is the...


(Sabkah) is synonymous with the term 'The Dust'. This is the fine dust into which the mountains shall be crushed and into which the misdeeds of the unbelievers will be transformed on the Day of Judgement.


(Halawa). When Allah opens the doors of His Loving-Kindness to the heart of His lover that heart becomes infused with joy and is overwhelmed by inexpressible sweetness. This is the opening of sweetness (Futuh al Halawa).

Swift, The
Al Sareea'

(Al Sareea'). The Swift. One of the beautiful Names of Allah.

Taking account

(Muhasabah). The constant analysis of the heart and its changing states. During muhasabah the contemplative takes stock of the heart's most secret motions. He calls himself to account, here and now. He does not wait till the Hereafter.


(Hakawi). Literally - a 'jaw wagger'. The one whose Murshid has passed away before his training was completed (or the one who has separated himself from the teaching). His lower self will not allow him to move any further. Instead of seeking a Shayk...


(Sha'n). Task or affair or state. Within every created thing, in each indivisible moment, Allah is upon a new task or state or affair (sha'n). These ever-changing tasks (shu'un) are the renewal of creation in each instant.


(Dhawq). Taste or direct spiritual experience. This is the first stage of the experience of Allah's Self-disclosure. It is followed by 'drinking' and 'quenching' and sometimes by the final stage 'intoxication'. Those who have tasted know. Those wh...

Teach or Instruct

To teach or explain a point. In Tasawwuf, Talqin is used when the Shaykh or Murshid says something and the murid repeats it back to him. This may be used when one enters Islam at the hand of the Shaykh or when entering upon the Path of Allah during b...


(Haykal). Temple or bodily form. The human body is the temple of Allah.

Temporally originated

(Muhdath). Knowledges come to man through Allah's Speech. Man did not have such knowledges before he entered the sphere of Space and Time, therefore these knowledges are said to be temporally originated. He did not know and then he knew. His knowing...


(Mubasharah). The tenderness which was lavished on man when Allah fashioned him between the Two Divine Hands. This is the specific Divine Favour to the human species.


(Istilah). Each science has its own unique terminology through which the people of that science communicate with each other. The newcomer to that science must be taught the terminology which is relevant to his field of study. Tasawwuf, the Science o...