('Awalim). Universes or worlds.
('Ibada). Worship and service of Allah with absolute obedience and love. Man was created in order to 'know' Allah. Therefore the essential meaning of worship is Knowledge of Allah. Allah says in The Qur'an, "I created jinn and men only to worship (kn...
(Ma'bud). The worshipped. That which is worshipped, the ma'bud, of necessity demands a worshipper. Without the worshipper there cannot be the worshipped. The Worshipped is only and always Allah. The worshipper is the entire cosmos.
('Abid al waqt). He is the man who, having found Allah's Self-disclosure in each and every indivisible moment, worships and surrenders to the One Who IS the moment.
('Ubbad). The worshippers are those who are dominated by renunciation and constant devotion. There are three types of Men of Allah: the worshippers, the Sufis, and the Verifiers who are the People of Blame.
('Ubbad ul waqt). These are the knowers who worship Allah in every moment of Time. Self-disclosure never repeats itself. In each moment Allah reveals Himself anew. Therefore the worshippers of the moment never limit or restrict Allah in any moment of...
(Ghadab). Allah's Wrath or His Anger. Wretchedness belongs to the Divine Wrath and felicity, which is the Infinite expanse of Allah's Mercy, belongs to the Divine Approval. The Holy Prophet Muhammad said "Allah's Mercy precedes His Wrath".
(Shaqa'). This is a stage which is reached through following individual caprices and whims. Disobedience is the condition of the wretched one (shaqi), while obedience is that of the felicitous one . Misguidance pushes man to wretchedness. Guidance l...
(Maktub). This term indicates 'fate', as in the expression, "It is written" ("Kana maktub").
(Thaalim). A thaalim is a wrong-doer who loves Allah for his own sake, and in so doing, reveals himself to be a tyrant. He does not remember Allah for Allah, but remembers Allah for the sake of this world or his desire for the next world. He wrongs h...
(Thulm). This term indicates 'putting something in a place that is not worthy to receive it'. Speaking about the divine mysteries to one who is not capable of receiving them is not only a wrongdoing, but also a form of ignorance, spiritual immaturit...