The Language of the Future

Sufi Terminology by Murshid F.A. Ali ElSenossi

English words starting with S

Smallest duration

(Mudda). The smallest duration. In the cosmos the smallest duration is that instant in which the perpetual creation occurs and which renders everything in the cosmos poor and needy towards Allah.


(Takhlil). Soaked or wetting, through and through. This term refers to the knower who has been thoroughly drenched with the Love of Allah. This is a quality of the Station of Intimate Friendship.


(Sahw) is returning to oneself after having been absent from oneself while intoxicated with the Divine Beloved. The one in the state of sahw is considered to be of greater spiritual maturity than the one in the state of intoxication. The Supreme F...

Sobriety -second

Sobriety of gatheredness
sahw al-jam'

(Sahw al Jam'). The sobriety of gatheredness, when the mystic returns from Pure Oneness to slavehood and servitude.


(Jalwa). The knower ('Arif) is the one who observes the spiritual retreat (Khalwa) while being engaged in everyday activities within society (Jalwa). During such a time, when he is present with Allah, he finds inexpressible sweetness (Halawa). Such...

al 'afrad

(Al Afrad). Within the Sufi hierarchy 'Al Afrad' are the Singular ones or the Individuals. These men are outside of the supervision of the Qutb, or Pole. Their head is The Green Prophet, Al Khidr.


(Fard/ Mufrad). Within the Sufi hierarchy he is the man called fard (or mufrad) 'The Solitary'. He stands equal to the Pole, but without a specific function such as that possessed by the Pole. He is the one who knows that he undergoes constant fluctu...


(Tafrid). Isolation or inward solitude. Tafrid is the slave's detaching himself from everything except the Truth which is within him.


(Sulaiman). The Prophet Solomon (Peace be upon him) through whose Word descended the Wisdom of the Merciful Beatitude (al hikmat ar-rahmaniyyah).

Son of the moment
ibn al-waqt

(Ibn al Waqt). The Sufi is called the son of the moment. Through his consciousness of Eternity and his perpetual Remembrance of Allah and his presence with Allah he keeps himself with the timeless instant that is 'Now'. He has no desire to be 'before...


(Sahih). Within the higher teaching many Sayings of the Prophet Muhammad (May the Salutations of Allah be upon him and Peace) are considered to be sound or authentic on the basis of unveiling rather than on the basis of transmission.

Sound Union
jam'-i salamat

(Jam' Salamat). This is the union which Allah produces in His lover who is in ecstasy and rapture. In such a state Allah causes the lover to receive and fulfil His commandments.

Al Maleek

(Al Maleek). The Sovereign. A variation of the Name Malik - The King - the Ruler over all.


(Al Qa'il). Allah is the Speaker (al qa'il). He is described by Speech. It is through His All Merciful Breath that the Divine Names become manifest, as forms, within the cosmos. When listening to the creatures the knower of Allah knows that Allah is...
