(Yaqub). The Prophet Jacob (Peace be upon him) through whose Word descended the Wisdom of Spirituality (al hikmat al ruhiyyah).
Hakawi - see 'Talker'.
(Ghayrah). There is a jealousy for the sake of the truth which is directed towards the overstepping of limits. And there is a jealousy which is the concealment of inner and outer secrets. The Jealousy of Allah is His tenaciousness in holding His fri...
(Al Ghayrat al Ilahiyya). Allah is jealous and 'So jealous is He all others are destroyed; He must Himself act every part!'. Allah's Jealousy removes the properties of the 'other' (ghayr), demanding that the 'other' cannot have true existence. The D...
('Isa). The Prophet Jesus (Peace be upon him), through whose Word descended the Wisdom of Prophecy (al hikmat an-nubuwiyyah).
(Shuu'ayb). The Prophet Jethro (Peace be upon him) through whose Word descended the Wisdom of the Heart (al-hikmat al-qalbiyyah).
(Jawhar). A jewel or substance. Jawhar indicates the very essence of a thing. The incorruptible nature of a precious jewel is the symbol for the immutability of the essence.
(Jifr). Divination, code or cipher. This science deals with speculation about events, past and future, according to combinations of words and letters.
See 'Subtle beings'.
(Ayyoub). The Prophet Job (Peace be upon him) through whose Word descended the Wisdom of the Unseen (al hikmat al ghaybiyyah).
(Yahya). The Prophet John (Peace be upon him) through whose Word descended the Wisdom of Awesome Majesty (al hikmat al jalaliyyah).
(Yunus). The Prophet Jonah (Peace be upon him) through whose Word descended the Wisdom of the Breath (al hikmat al nafsiyyah).
(Yusuf). The Prophet Joseph (Peace be upon him) through whose Word descended the Wisdom of Light (al hikmat al nuriyyah).
Safar, Sayr - see 'Spiritual Journey' and 'Travelling'.
(Sayr fillah). The Journey in Allah, from the Names through the Attributes to Oneness.