Adab - see 'Spiritual Courtesy'.
(Zawal) is that which is fleeting and vanishing. The cosmos is nothing but a vanishing accident, its ruling property being its evanescence. The possible thing, that which is other-than-Allah, has no fixed reality due to the fact that it depends total...
(Al Khallaq). A Divine Name.
(Al Tawwab). The Ever-Relenting. One of the Beautiful Names of Allah.
(Al Baqi). The Everlasting One. One of the Beautiful Names of Allah.
(Al Da'im). The Everlasting. One of the Beautiful Names of Allah.
(Man). Everyone and all things. 'Man' applies to all things, not just that which understands ('aql). Everything glorifies Allah in praise and no one glorifies who does not understand the exaltedness of Him whom he is glorifying and praising. All thin...
(Sharr). In itself evil is pure non-existence and denotes those things which cannot receive and accept the Divine Mercy. Knowledge is light and light is existence, therefore evil is ignorance which is darkness and non-existence. Allah, as All-Possib...
('Aliyyah) Exaltedness and sublimity. This term indicates every Divine Name which has a relation to an angel or a spiritual existence.
(Nuqaba). Within the Sufi hierarchy the Examiners are those who draw the hidden things out of people's selves.
Abdal - see 'Substitute'.
(Ghurbah) means 'becoming a stranger'. It is a removal from and the forsaking of one's native place in search of the object of one's wish. Such a removal through a state comes from the reality of the effectiveness of that state. Removal through the R...
Wujud - see 'Being'. Kawn - see 'Engendered existence'.
(Wujud al hadith).
(Wujud al 'ayn). The existence of the entity or thing.