Ta'teel. See 'Inactive'.
Kufr -see 'Covering the truth'.
(Riyadat al Talib). The discipline of seeking with sincerity and soundness of purpose.
(Riyadat al Adab). The disciple of moral courtesy which is achieved through leaving the natural tendencies of the ego.
Su al adab - see 'Bad Manners'.
(Furqan). Discrimination or separation. The Qur'an is 'that which brings together' (The Qur'an), and it is also 'that which differentiates' (furqan). Seeing only its furqan aspect without seeing its Qur'an aspect is seeing only multiplicity. This is...
(Marad). A disease or illness. Those conditions which are regarded as health by the common people may be regarded as disease by the People of Perfection. The common people who fulfill their religious obligations towards Allah, yet do not see Allah in...
(Inhiraf). All spiritual illness are based upon an inner disequilibrium which has its root in the base character traits of the individual. Through spiritual struggle and the sincere turning to the Remembrance of Allah the base character traits may b...
(Al Mudhill). The Dishonourer/Abaser. One of the Beautiful Names of Allah.
Tawhil - see 'Turbidity'.
(Makruh). Undesirable. That which is displeasing to Allah. Those things that are displeasing in the early stages of spiritual travel become forbidden and unlawful in the later stages. In the beginning the seekers looking at and seeing what is other-t...
(Bu'd). Distance from Allah. There can be two aspects to bu'd. One is the distance which comes about through forgetfulness of, or even disbelief in, Allah. Such a distance is Hell in this life and in the Hereafter. The other distance is in fact a pro...
(Karb) is that metaphysical state of pressure and yearning for release which occurs for non-existent entities just before their creation. It is the divine sigh of the Nafas ar-Rahman, the Breath of the All Merciful, which brings relief and removes th...
(Al Qaasim). The Distributor. One of the beautiful Names of Allah.
(Ilahi). That which refers to Allah.