(Nash'a).The human being is the most perfect of all configurations in the cosmos due to the fact that Allah breathed into him of His Spirit and gave him the potential to manifest the All-Comprehensive Name 'Allah'. The configuration (nash'a) of man's...
(Inhisar). To be confined. Everything is confined except the Essence Itself. The Essence never becomes manifest. Were It to become manifest It would be known. Were It known It would be encompassed which would limit It. Its limitation would lead to It...
(Munaza'a) exists between opposites and the root of such a conflict goes back to the diversity of the Divine Names. Man's inner condition is one of conflict and disequilibrium. Only through spiritual endeavour under the direction of a Spiritual Guide...
(Niza'). The conflict in the cosmos is rooted in the conflict which exists between the Divine Names. The disequilibrium and imbalance of a man's constitution result from this niza'. Under the direction of a divine physician and through spiritual stru...
(Thann). Surmise or conjecture or opinion or supposition. Any knowledge which does not lead man back to the Beautiful Face of Allah and Felicity is not worthy of the name 'knowledge'. It is surmise, conjecture, opinion and supposition, and even thoug...
(Ta'alluq). Connection or firm adherence. Ta'alluq signifies a relationship, such as that which exists between an attribute and its object, or a name and its effect. When considering Self-annihilation (fana') as three distinct stages, ta'alluq occupi...
(Taqwa). Godfearingness. Without taqwa man cannot attain to direct tasting (dhawq) or unveiling (kashf). When faith and practice are combined with Consciousness of Allah then knowledge will be gained. The hadith says, "The head (or beginning) of wisd...
Ihram - see 'Garment of the Pilgrim'.
(Nadhar). Consideration or to look, to gaze, to inspect or to investigate.
(Nadhr al Fikri). Reflective consideration through which conclusions are reached. The knowledge gained from al nazar al fikri is incomplete and therefore inferior to the knowledge which the men of the Path gain through unveiling, tasting, witnessing...
(Nadhr sahih) is to look, consider and reflect upon the manifest and unmanifest signs, thereby recognizing the true situation of the cosmos.
(Naadhirun). The naadhirun are those people whose knowledge is inferior to the direct knowledge possessed by the people of unveiling.
(Niyaz). Constancy and stability in seeking Allah. The bondage of the slave and the yearning of the lover remain constant under all conditions. The slaves and lovers of Allah sit patiently at Allah's door. Through looking always towards Allah, the Ma...
(Tabattul) is a characteristic of the Men of Allah who are known as the worshippers.