(Tanazzul/tanzil). The Descent of Being by means of the Divine Revelation. This is the descent of the Absolute from Total Inwardness, through the various degrees, to Outward Manifestation. The beautiful Hadith Qudsi says, "I was a Hidden Treasure and...
(Tanfis). To air or to comfort or to cheer up or to relieve or to remove sorrow. And all of this comes to be through the Breathing of Allah.
Tanzih -see 'Incomparability'.
Tanzih -see 'Incomparability'.
(Tanzih). Incomparability or Transcendence or Unknowableness or Remoteness. Tanzih is to declare that Allah transcends every quality or attribute possessed by His creatures. The word tanzih derives from the word nazzaha, which means to keep something...
(Taqabul). Contrariness or opposition. The Name 'Allah' is the totality of the contrary Names and Knowledge of Allah is gained through the very fact that He brings opposites together.
(Taqallub). Fluctuation or alteration or transformation or change. The heart (qalb) is that which constantly fluctuates, undergoing never-ending transformations, and it is the heart that contains Allah. Through keeping watc over their hearts the know...
(Taqdir) is to establish and define the states of the things before they come into existence in this world.
(Taqdis). Sanctification and holiness. The friends of Allah are those who are Alive in Allah. Through the Grace of Allah all of their senses have been spiritualized. The friends of Allah have attained to holiness. The Most Sanctified of all creation...
(Taqdis al qalb) This sanctification is attained through meditation and a total turning towards the Remembrance of Allah.
(Taqid/Taqayyad). To be bound, shackled, restricted, curbed, limited or confined. Taqayyad is also to be recorded, written down, noted.
Taqlid - see 'Following authority'.
(Taqlid). Following authority. Man should only ever follow Allah's Authority. The Verifiers, who are the highest category of the friends of Allah, have verified the knowledge gained through following Allah's Authority.
(Taqsir). One of the rituals of the Piglrimage, shaving of the head or cutting of the hair is an indication to cleansing the mind of negative thoughts and a reminder not to seek leadership in the human domain (by ‘getting ahead’). Like washing of th...
(Taqwa). Godfearingness. Without taqwa man cannot attain to direct tasting (dhawq) or unveiling (kashf). When faith and practice are combined with Consciousness of Allah then knowledge will be gained. The hadith says, "The head (or beginning) of wisd...