Ta'teel. See 'Inactive'.
(Ta'wil) means 'to take back to the origin' and to discover and explain. Interpretation is beneficial when it does not contradict the basic teachings of Islam or weaken the faith of the believers. However, through a lack of Consciousness of Allah and...
(Tab'). Nature or imprint. This term signifies the sum total of the peculiarities which are impressed into something, for example, a thing's characteristics, temperament or constitution.
(Tabaddul). The heart, and everything else within creation, undergoes continual change in each moment. Through keeping watch over his heart the knower comes to the knowledge of continual change (tabaddul) and this knowledge takes him to Knowledge of...
(Tabattul) is a characteristic of the Men of Allah who are known as the worshippers.
(Tabi'). This term refers to the one who is a follower of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (May the Salutations of Allah be upon him and Peace). A follower strives to emulate his perfect and beautiful character. A friend of Allah is always a follower (tabi'...
(Tadalli). This is the descent of Allah to a mutual waystation. Allah's slave, having attained that same waystation through coming close (tadani), now has vision of Allah.
(Tadani). This is the ascension of those who are brought closest to Allah.
(Tadbir). Governing or arranging. The spirit governs the body in two ways. Firstly in a manner which is intrinsic and of its very essence, and secondly in a manner which must be acquired through spiritual maturity and conscious effort. The spirit gov...
(Tadyi' al waqt). Allah created the creation purely to enable man to know Allah. Therefore, the pursuit of a knowledge of what is 'other-than-Allah' is a waste of time.
(Tafadul). Ranking in degrees of excellence or hierarchy. The cosmos (or existence) is a ranking in degrees of excellence (or hierarchical order) in every quality and attribute. No two things are alike. It is in the degree of his Knowledge of Allah t...
(Tafakkur). To reflect or meditate upon things. The root of all engendered things is the Most Beautiful Names of Allah. Therefore tafakkur is connected to them, not to the Essence.
(Tafrid). Isolation or inward solitude. Tafrid is the slave's detaching himself from everything except the Truth which is within him.
(Tafriqa). Separation or dispersion. Tafriqa is a state when the mystic becomes conscious of himself as an individual and returns to himself after the ecstasy of intoxication with the Beloved. The highest degree of knowing Allah is the combining of g...