(Sujud/ Sajda). Sujud is the outward symbol of the self-effacement of the slave in his Lord. It is the lover's annihilation in the Beloved. If it is Allah Who you want, get down in the dust. Prostrate before the One and Only.
(Sukr) is spiritual intoxication. It is an absence from self-awareness brought about through a powerful spiritual influence such as immersion in the Remembrance of Allah, finding Allah within the spiritual concert, or the glance of a friend of Allah....
Sukr - see 'Intoxication'.
(Sukr al jam'). This is the drunkenness which is experienced in the pure union which has no trace of separation (individuality).
(Sukun) is silence or stillness. This is the great silent stillness of the Essence to which the hearts of the lovers of Allah yearn to return.
(Sulaiman). The Prophet Solomon (Peace be upon him) through whose Word descended the Wisdom of the Merciful Beatitude (al hikmat ar-rahmaniyyah).
(Sultan). The Holy Prophet Muhammad al Mustapha (May the Salutations of Allah be upon him and Peace) is the sultan of all of humanity, but only those who love him with an unconditional love know that he is King.
(Suluk) is travelling or Wayfaring. Suluk is journeying along the Spiritual Path of Return to the Source. It is the methodical travelling, through the states and stations, under the direction of a Spiritual Master (Shaykh, Murshid). The one who trave...
(Sunnah). The profound Science of Beautiful Moral Behaviour based upon the beautiful model of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (May the Salutations of Allah be upon him and Peace). Following the form of, and contemplating the meaning within, the sunna are t...
(Sunna hasana). A good custom. "If a person sets down in Islam a good custom (sunna hasana) which is put into practice, he will have written for him the wage of those who put it into practice, while nothing will be diminished from their wages". (Had...
(Sur). Fortress or rampart. The Fortress (sur) which the slave enters to gain Eternal Protection is 'There is no god other than Allah'. The Foundation upon which this Impenetrable Fortress is built is 'Allah'. The Door to the Fortress is 'Muhammad is...
(Sura). The outer form of an entity or thing is what conceals its inner meaning. Revelation is the outer form whose meaning is Allah's Knowledge of Himself and His creation. Tearing away the veil of form to reveal the meaning within is the work of t...
(Sura mahsusa). A sensory form or what is perceived by the senses. The Realm of Imagination is the 'place' where meanings can take on sensory form.
(Suwar). All things within the cosmos are forms behind which are meanings.
(Suwar al Rabbaniyya). This term is synonymous with the Divine Names.