The Language of the Future

Sufi Terminology by Murshid F.A. Ali ElSenossi

Arabic words starting with N


(Nuqaba). Within the Sufi hierarchy the Examiners are those who draw the hidden things out of people's selves.


(Nur) is the created light which radiates from the Uncreated Light of Allah. When this light enters the heart it drives away the existent order thereby annihilating the inner eye from witnessing 'other-than-Allah'. For unveiling to take place the Lig...

nur Muhammadiyya
Light of Muhammad

(Nur Muhammadiyya). "Allah took a handful of His Light and said 'Be! Muhammad'". From this pre-existent Light of Muhammad (nur Muhammadiyya) all of the spheres were created. It is the Light of Muhammad that enables the traveller to advance towards t...


(Nurani). Within the cosmos, which is the realm of opposites, that which is luminous (nurani) stands in opposition to that which is dark (thulmani). All is relative, and while the angels are luminous when compared with corporeal things they are in fa...

Rational Speech

(Nutq) is a distinguishing feature of humans who are 'rational speaking animals'. In reality the entire cosmos is speaking and glorifying its Lord, yet, only Perfect Man understands this praising.


(Nuzul) is the process by which Pure Being gradually becomes qualified. The term also means to descend or to alight. In the case of a waystation, it is the place where Allah descends (nuzul) to the slave and the slave alights (nuzul) upon Allah.
