The Language of the Future

Sufi Terminology by Murshid F.A. Ali ElSenossi

Arabic words starting with N


(Na'ib). Allah created the Perfect Man as His deputy. After having created him Allah then veiled Himself from the sights and insights of creation.


(Na'im). The ultimate bliss (and this awaits the friends of Allah in His Garden) is the one that is renewed at each succeeding instant. This is the eternal unfolding of knowledge which is experienced by Allah's Friends. It is their ever-renewed enco...

Poetry and Songs

(Na't). Poetry and songs in honour of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (May the Salutations of Allah be upon him and Peace). Such poetry and song can operate on many different levels of meaning, ranging from the beautiful and simple love of Allah's Beloved...

na't-i sharif
Noble Hymn

(Na't as Sharif). Noble hymn in honour of the Holy Prophet Muhammad.


(Nabi). A Prophet is a friend of Allah (Wali) who possesses unique knowledge of the Unseen Worlds. Allah has sent 124,000 Prophets to humanity to show them the Way of Returning to Allah. The Prophets are under the Command of Allah to invite people to...


(Nadamat). Contrition or penitence or remorse. The hadith says, "Penitence is the act of returning".


(Nadhar). To look, to gaze, to inspect or investigate. Also to consider.

Nadhr al Fikri
Reflective Consideration

Nadhr al Fikri - see 'Consideration-Reflective'.


(Nafas). Breath or instant. Nafas is the indivisible moment in which every existent in the cosmos undergoes a new creation. The spiritual energy (barakah) of the Sufi Path is transmitted on the breath of the Murshid. It is only through receiving the...

nafas ar-rahman
Breath of the All Merciful

(Nafas ar-Rahman). The Breath of the All Merciful. This exceedingly beautiful term indicates the evanescent nature of existence in its state of constant change and renewal. It is the Supreme Isthmus and the very substance of the universe is the Breat...

Supererogatory work

(Nafila -pl. Nawafil). The supererogatory works (nawafil) are derived from the obligatory works which are their roots. A nafila is an act of worship and service through which the slave draws ever-closer to his Lord. Mankind is the supererogatory wor...


(Nafkh). The breathing or blowing through which the cosmos came into existence. And this breathing is Allah's. Divine Inspiration (Ilham) descends upon the slave through this nafkh. The 'blowing in' is never ending.


(Nafl). Nafl is something in excess of what is expected. It is a booty, bounty or gift.

Voluntary work

Nafl - see 'Supererogatory'.


(Nafs). The ego or the self or the soul. The nafs is that dimension of man which stands between the spirit which is light, and the physical body which is darkness. The spiritual struggle or combat is waged against the downward-pulling tendencies of t...
