(Makan). Elevation is of two kinds one is elevation in rank (makanah) and the other is elevation in place (makan) and mankind is described by both. Elevation in place pertains to works and worship, for it is through works and worship that man is elev...
(Makanah). Elevation is of two kinds one is elevation in rank (makanah) and the other is elevation in place (makan) and mankind is described by both. Elevation in rank (makanah) pertains to knowledge, for it is through Knowledge of Allah that the kno...
(Makarim al Akhlaq). The Holy Prophet Muhammad (May the Salutations of Allah be upon him and Peace) was sent to mankind with the noble character traits in their complete and perfect form. The spiritual work of the higher teaching involves the alchem...
(Makasib). The spiritual stations are referred to as earnings because they result from the sincere endeavour and intense spiritual resolve of the traveller. The spiritual states are called bestowals, being purely gifts of Divine Grace.
(Makhluq). Allah, as the Creator (al Khalq), demands the existence of a creation, and the creation demands its Creator. There must be a cosmos because the divine realities demand it.
(Makhluqat). The creatures or created things.
(Makruh). Undesirable. That which is displeasing to Allah. Those things that are displeasing in the early stages of spiritual travel become forbidden and unlawful in the later stages. In the beginning the seekers looking at and seeing what is other-t...
(Makr). Allah's deception of His servant or the stratagem through which He tests mankind. Allah may give to a man the continuation of Divine favours despite that man's opposition to His command or Allah may grant knowledge to a servant but deprive hi...
(Makr Nafsi). The deception of the ego. This deception is one of the greatest of barriers on the Path to Perfection. The downward-pulling tendencies of the lower-self (nafs) ceaselessly endeavour to exercise their power over the slave. The self is ma...
(Maktub). This term indicates 'fate', as in the expression, "It is written" ("Kana maktub").
(Mala'ika). The very substance of the angels is woven from light. The light from which the angels have been shaped is not the Light which is Allah Himself, but it is the radiance emanating from Light or Sheer Being. It is the fourth portion of the fo...
(Malal). For the knower ('arif) and the lover ('ashiq) of Allah there can be no boredom, either in this world or the next, because of the ever renewing Self-disclosures with which Allah floods their hearts in each instant.
(Al Malik al Mulk). One of the Beautiful Names of Allah.
(Mamnu'). The People of Truth declare that Self-disclosure of the Essence is impossible.
(Man). Everyone and all things. 'Man' applies to all things, not just that which understands ('aql). Everything glorifies Allah in praise and no one glorifies who does not understand the exaltedness of Him whom he is glorifying and praising. All thin...