The Language of the Future

Sufi Terminology by Murshid F.A. Ali ElSenossi

Arabic words starting with M


(Murajjah). A thing is brought out of non-existence into existence when preponderance is given to it by Allah, The Preponderator (al Murajjih).


(Muraqabah). This term applies to the vigilant concentration, with all the power of mind and thought and imagination, and the examination through which the slave carefully keeps guard over himself. During his muraqabah the slave observes how Allah be...

Meditation, Concentrated

Muraqabah - see 'Concentration'.


See 'Seeker'.


(Murid). The one who desires Allah. The murid is the seeker of Reality who is under the direction of a Spiritual Guide (Murshid). He has entered the company of those who concentrate upon Allah through the Remembrance of His Most Holy Name 'Allah'.


See 'Spiritual Guide'.

murshid (shaykh, pir)
Spiritual Guide

(Murshid/Shaykh/Pir). The Murshid is a True Inheritor of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (May the Salutations of Allah be upon him and Peace). After having been taken to the Divine Presence during his ascension the slave has been returned, by Allah, to the...


(Musa). The Prophet Moses (Peace be upon him) through whose Word descended the Wisdom of Sublimity (Al Hikmat al 'Uluwiyyah).

musabbib al-asbab
Causer of the Secondary Causes

(Musabbib al Asbab). Allah.


(Musaffir) is the traveller (salik) who understands invisible things through the analogy of visible ones, thereby swimming from the shore of this world to the further shore.

Prayer, one who performs

(Musalli). He who performs the prayer. Initially it is man himself who performs the prayer. Through spiritual struggle, spiritual resolve, love, yearning and Allah's Infinite Grace, man's lower self is transformed into his Higher Self. Then his praye...

Night talk

(Musamarat). The address of the Real to the knowers from the realm of secrets and the unknowable. This address is delivered to your heart by way of the Archangel Gabriel. This is when the most secret thoughts are concealed and the tongue becomes dum...

musamma wujudi
Named thing

(Musamma wujudi). The ontological named thing. This is Allah Himself. Allah is Named by every Name, Described by every Attribute and Qualified by every Description. When a Name becomes attached to an existent thing it is only attached to it insofar a...

musarrif al-qulub
Turner of Hearts

(Musarrif al Qulub). Allah is the One Who turns the heart whichever way He desires. It was narrated from Anas ibn Maalik that the Messenger of Allah (may the salutations of Allah be upon him, and peace), used to say often: “O Controller of the hearts...


(Mushahadah). Witnessing or vision. Mushahadah is one kind of direct knowledge of Reality. This witnessing occurs in various ways. Some of the travellers and Men of the Path witness Allah in the things. Some witness Allah before or after or with the...
