(Kamal). Perfection is the transendence of the attributes and their effects. Perfection is attained by each creation when it actualizes the total range of possibilities inherent within the level pertaining to its creation. Man's reason for being is...
(Kan). To 'be' or that which 'is'. Kan derives from 'existence' (kawn) which is identical with 'being' (wujud). This is clearly stated in the words of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (May the Salutations of Allah be upon him and Peace), "Allah is (kan), an...
(Kana Maktub). This phrase indicates that fate or destiny has been written by the Pen upon the Preserved Tablet, and the ink is dry. There is no changing it.
(Kanzi Makhfiyan).
(Karam). Within qawwali music and mystical poetry the lover often complains to, and pleads with his Beloved to be true to His Attribute of Generosity. Sitting bereft and wretched in the dust of the Beloved's street, the lover impatiently waits, with...
(Karamat). Charismatic gifts or super-natural actions or miracles which Allah, the Generous (al Karim) bestows upon His friends. 'Whoever belongs totally to al Karim, all his acts are karamat'. These are distinguished from the miracles (mu'jizat) of...
Karamat - see 'Miracles'.
(Karb) is that metaphysical state of pressure and yearning for release which occurs for non-existent entities just before their creation. It is the divine sigh of the Nafas ar-Rahman, the Breath of the All Merciful, which brings relief and removes th...
(Kashf). Unveiling or revelation is one of the types of direct experience through which Knowledge of Reality is unveiled to the heart of the slave and lover. In His Infinite Grace Allah gives His slave and lover a Divine Self-disclosure which not onl...
(Kashf 'aqli). This is the lowest grade of intuitive knowledge. Allah cannot be known and loved through reason (al 'Aql) because it acts as a fetter, holding man back from the final stages of his ascent. Allah is embraced in the heart, not in the mi...
(Kashf al Ilahi). The Divine unveiling comes as the sweet fruit of constant worship and through polishing the heart with the Remembrance of Allah. This Divine Unveiling may occur directly within the heart, without any visual support, when Allah's Bea...
(Kashf basari). A visual unveiling which takes place through Allah's creation. An incident, a place, a human action or word, a sanctified person may be the place for this visual unveiling. Allah is the Absolute. He is Beauty and He is Majesty. By mea...
(Kashf imani). Unveiling or revelation through faith. This unveiling takes place through the sincerity of a believer's faith (Iman). The degree of intensity of the unveiling may act as a catalyst which activates the believer into seeking more and mor...
(Kashf kawni).
(Kashf al arwah).