The Sacred Centre in Mecca towards which Muslims face for the ritual prayer, bowing and prostrating before Allah. The Ka'aba is the earthly symbol of the Divine Throne (Al 'Arsh), around which the angels circle and it is a symbol of the sanctified he...
(Ka'in). This denotes that a thing already has existence because Allah has issued the Word of Command "Be!" ("Kun!") to that thing.
(Mukawwanat)). These are the creations which have been brought into existence through Allah's Word of Command "Kun!" and which will leave this world when their stay here is terminated. It is within the Cloud, which is the Supreme Isthmus, that form i...
(Kaba'ir) are the major sins which are ultimately forgiven. There is only one unforgivable sin and that is the sin of associating anything at all with Allah.
(Kadar) is one of the characteristics of human nature,and is the opposite of purity. The word sufi derives from safa which means purity. The Sufi has realized the Divine Nature within his human nature. He is the Pure One who has left impurity behind.
(Kafir). The one who covers up Reality. Taken negatively the kafir is the infidel and unbeliever within oneself. Taken positively the kafir is the knower of Allah who guards his secret and hides the Sacred Reality within himself. It is said that if t... Kafir - see 'One who covers the Truth'. Abdal - see 'Substitute'. (Kalam) is speech or words. The Source, Allah, is the Great Silence. In the process of descent, the Supreme Silence is firstly qualified with letters which then appear as words. The words become a sentence or sign which then appears as a form or book... (Kalam-i -dhati). This Speech is Allah's Speech. It is the Speech of the Essence Itself. Kalam-i-dhati is the Speech of the Source and the Source is the Great Silence. The People of the Essence, Allah's perfect slaves who are drowned in the Source I... (Kalam-i-tafsili). To attain to the Great Silence one must travel the Path laid down by the Prophets of Allah. In the early stages of the Spiritual Journey the traveller's tongue is in lively motion, full of words and questions and opinions. As he tr... (Kalima). The word. When Allah breathes out and speaks, each one of His creations is a word (kalima) of His. (Kalimah Shahadah). The Word of Faith or the Islamic declaration of Faith; 'There is no god other than Allah; Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah' (La ilaha il Allah, Muhammadan Rasulullah). (Kalimat al Hadra). This is Allah's Word of Command, "Be!" ("Kun!"), by which He instantaneously creates every thing He desires.
One who covers the Truth
Exchanged One
Speech without words
Speech with words
Word, The
kalimah (shahadah)
Word of Faith
kalimat al-hadra
Word of the Presence