(Jawami' al Kalim). Because The Qur'an contains all of the knowledges it is true to say that the Prophet Muhammad (May the Salutations of Allah be upon him and Peace) was given the all-comprehensive words. He said, "I was sent with the all-comprehen...
Jawhar - see 'jewel'.
(Jawhar). A jewel or substance. Jawhar indicates the very essence of a thing. The incorruptible nature of a precious jewel is the symbol for the immutability of the essence.
Jawhar al Hayulani - see 'First substance'. Also 'Prime matter' or the 'Universal plastic substance'.
(Jawhar al Kull). The Universal Substance.
(Jaza'). The next world is the abode of recompense. Wretchedness and felicity become manifest there.
(Jibreel) The Archangel Gabriel (Peace be upon him), through whom the Final Revelation, The Qur'an, descended into the heart of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (May the Salutations of Allah be upon him and Peace). His station is the borderland between The...
(Jihad al Akbar). This is the constant and vigilant inner warfare against ignorance, the passions and the vices of the lower self which drag man downwards away from Allah. It is the real struggle against the inner enemies, the inner unbelievers and t...
(Jihad as saghir). This is the outer combat against the infidels and unbelievers and tyrants.
(Jilwa). This symbolizes the slave's coming out of spiritual retreat (khalwa) dressed in the robes of honour which are the Divine Characteristics. Self-disclosure is Allah's unveiling of Himself to His creations and most particularly to His slaves.
(Jinn) are the subtle beings, both intelligent and imperceptible, who inhabit the psychic world and whose bodies are made of air or fire. Allah says in The Qur'an, "I created jinn and mankind only to worship (know) Me" (51:56).
See 'Subtle beings'.
(Jism). Man consists of a body and a spirit which governs that body. In being referred to as 'the great man' the cosmos is also a body containing a spirit which governs it. The spirit of the cosmos is the Perfect Man. The bodies of the Prophets of A...
(Junun). Temporary madness can arise due to the force of an 'inrush' which overpowers the senses. Majnun's longing and love for Layla, which rendered him 'insane', is one of the Sufis best-loved symbols of the lover's obsession with the Beloved. The...
(Juz'iyyat). Contained within Allah's Knowledge of the universals is His Knowledge of the particulars. Nothing is excluded from Allah's Eternal Knowledge.