(Huda). It is Allah Who guides whoever He wants to Himself. The journey from the circumference to the Centre is under Divine Guidance and is specific to the people of yearning who travel the Spiritual Path. When He wants to join someone to Himself He...
(Hudur) is the heart's presence with Allah when it is absent from everything else. The slave can never be present with Allah except through one of His Beautiful Names and in so doing a state of perfect spiritual courtesy is maintained.
(Hudur wa ghaybah). This is presence with Allah and absence from oneself. When Allah is there, you are not. When you are there, Allah is not. The Holy Prophet Muhammad said, 'The prayer without you is better than seventy'. May the Salutations of All...
(Hujum). Sudden attacks on the heart through the power of the moment. These occur without any effort or action on the part of the slave. (Hawjama - a single red rose).
(Hulul). This word implies the indwelling of the Divine in man, which is the entering of one thing into another. Incarnation (Hulul) and unification are considered to be heretical doctrines. They have been condemned by the Men of Allah; those who kno...
(Hurriyyah). This is the ultimate freedom of being a slave of Allah. Such a slave is the noble soul who is emancipated from his lower self. In finding himself to be a slave he discovers his own essential non-existence and is therefore free. But, the...
(Huruf). The letters (of the alphabet). The term 'Ilm al Huruf (Science of the letters) is given to a complex science and symbolism which is based on the letters of the Arabic alphabet. 'The science of letters plays an important role in many of the l...
(Huruf al Mutaqqati'at). These are the letters that preface certain chapters of the Holy Qur'an.
(Husn). The most beautiful of Allah's creation is the Holy Prophet Muhammad (May the Salutations of Allah be upon him and Peace). He is the locus of every beautiful thing. 'Allah is Beautiful and He loves Beauty' and the Holy Prophet Muhammad is the...
(Husn al Akhlaq). The beautiful character traits with which the Holy Prophet Muhammad was sent and of which he is the perfect embodiment. The assuming of these beautiful character traits is the alchemical work of the Islamic Spiritual Path. Under th...
(Huwa). This is the Supreme Self, the Non-Manifest Being. Huwa indicates the Essence Itself which is always in the Unseen and remains in Itself Incomparable.
(Huwa Huwa). Allah is Allah. The Essence is the Essence. The Unknowable is the Unknowable. He is He. This is the bewildering bewilderment (Hayrah).
(Huwa, la Huwa). This dynamic phrase contains the secret and mystery and the ultimate paradox of existence. Everything is 'He' (Huwa) and everything is 'not He' (la Huwa). The knowers and lovers of Allah have penetrated this mystery and are utterly...
(Huwiyyah). The Reality in the world of the Unseen. It is the Inward aspect of Abstract Oneness or Unity (Al Ahadiyyah). This is Being, totally Hidden and Unknowable. This is the Hidden Treasure. This is the placeless 'place' to which Allah's intoxic...