(Habib). This usually refers to Allah Who is the Ultimate, the One and Only Beloved of all His lovers.
(Habibullah). This blessed name is proper only to the Holy Prophet Muhammad (May the Salutations of Allah be upon him and Peace). No one reaches Allah by being a lover, only by being the Beloved, and it is for this very reason that 'No one will meet...
(Habs Nadhr). Holding or imprisonment of a creation of Allah by the spiritual power of the gaze.
Hadarat - see Divine Presences.
(Hadarat al Asma').
(Al Hadarat al Dhatiyyah). The Presence of the Essence is the Absolute Unknowableness, Sheer Being, Pure Ipseity, the Unknown of the Unknown. This is the Presence of the Mother of the Book. Below it, in the Presence of the All-Compelling, the Mother...
(Al Hadarat al Ghayb).
(Hadarat al Hiss).
(Hadarat al Jabarut). This Presence is also known as the First Descent, the Reality of Muhammad and the Inscribed Book.
(Hadarat al Malakut). This Presence is sometimes referred to as the Second Determination, 'The Lote Tree of the Uttermost Boundary' (Sidrat al Muntaha) and the World of Imagination ('Alam al Khayal.)
(Hadd). Limit or definition signifies the distinction between the slave and his Lord. After having emerged from the ecstasy of Union with the Beloved, the knower disciplines his self and sets limits upon it in order to hold tightly to the reins of pe...
(Hadith). A saying of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (May the Salutations of Allah be upon him and Peace).
(Hadith Nabawi). A statement by the Holy Prophet Muhammad which is a Direct Revelation but is expressed in the Prophet's own words. May the Salutations of Allah be upon him and Peace. Within the higher teaching many such sayings are considered sound...
(Hadith Qudsi).These are the Sacred Words of Allah Almighty speaking through the Holy Prophet Muhammad (May the Salutations of Allah be upon him and Peace). They are a separate type of Revelation to that of the Qur'an. The Sayings (Holy sayings and P...
(Hadra). Presence or world or plane or level. Hadra also refers to the gathering where the collective remembrance of Allah is performed.