(Ghadab). Allah's Wrath or His Anger. Wretchedness belongs to the Divine Wrath and felicity, which is the Infinite expanse of Allah's Mercy, belongs to the Divine Approval. The Holy Prophet Muhammad said "Allah's Mercy precedes His Wrath".
Ghadab - see 'Wrath of Allah'.
Ghaflah - see 'Negligent'.
Ghaflah - see 'Negligent'.
(Ghafr). Forgiveness is to cover and conceal faults. Through His Infinite Grace, Allah covers and conceals our faults, not only from our fellowmen but also from our own selves.
(Ghani bi nafsihi). Allah is The Necessary Being. He is Rich by Himself and Independent of the Worlds. Man is bereft and poor.
(Gharad). Man strives to attain his individual desire. The attainment of one's individual desire is called 'good' or 'felicity' and not attaining it is called 'evil' or 'wretchedness'.
(Ghayb al Ghayb). There is no entry for this in the original Qamus, but it is referred to under 'Essence' and 'Absolute Essence'.
(Ghayb ul Ghayb).
(Ghaybah). This indicates the heart's absence from knowledge of what is happening in human situations because the senses are totally occupied with what is influencing them. Absence also refers to the manner in which the Beloved keeps Himself absent f...
(Ghayr Allah). 'Other than Allah' is the cosmos and all that it contains. To be 'other than Allah' is to be imperfect, but this 'imperfection' is in itself Perfection!
(Ghayr mashhoud)
(Ghayriyyat). . It is this 'otherness' that allows the cosmos, and all that is in it, to exist.
(Ghidha). Allah, the Absolute, is the Source of food and nourishment for all of the creatures. All of Allah's creatures exist, subsist and are kept alive by Allah. And, the Absolute is nourished by the forms of the creatures because it is through the...
(Ghilza). Harshness is one of the attributes in man's innate disposition. This harshness can be transformed into gentleness through endeavouring to assume the noble character traits and by turning to the Remembrance of His Most Holy Name, Allah.