The Language of the Future

Sufi Terminology by Murshid F.A. Ali ElSenossi

Arabic words starting with F


(Fai'l). The agent or actor. Allah, The Truth, never ceases being the Agent of existence in the possible things. All the engendered things are His covering, while He is the One Who Acts from behind this covering. 'So jealous is Allah all others are d...


(Fadl). Benevolence and bounty and gift. The cosmos itself, which is the very manifestation of engendered existence, derives from Allah's benevolence and bounty. It is a gratuitous gift of His Infinite Mercy (Rahma).

Immoral behaviour

(Faajir). Depending upon the root from which fajir derives it can mean either 'a man who commits sinful acts of infidelity' or 'a man who manifests or unveils what is veiled'. That is, he can either be a disbeliever or he can be one who manifests the...


(Falak). Sphere or heaven or realm. The spheres all revolve around one axis - that Beautiful Axis is the Holy Prophet Muhammad (May the Salutations of Allah be upon him and Peace).

falak al-atlas
Sphere without stars

(Falak al Atlas). The Starless Heaven.

falak al-buruj
Sphere of the Constellations

(Falaka al Buruj). The Sphere of the Constellations.

falak al-hayat
Sphere of Life

(Falak al Hayat). The Sphere of Life.

falak al-manazil
Sphere of the moon's mansions

(Falak al Manazil). The Sphere of the moon's mansions; the earth of the Garden.

Sphere of Elements

(Falak ul Anasir). The Sphere of Elements.

Sphere of Atoms

(Falak ul Haba). The Sphere of Atoms.

Sphere of Matter

(Falak ul Hayula). The Sphere of Matter.


(Fana'). Self-annihilation or self-effacement or dissolution or passing away from self. Through being joined to Allah, the Real; man is annihilated from himself - the 'limited existence' of the traveller is ov...

fana' fi-murshid (fana' fi-shaykh)
Annihilation in the Spiritual Guide

(Fana fil Murshid/Shaykh). Fallen man cannot, by his own resources, reach Annihilation in Allah.. He requires a Spiritual Guide, a Murshid, who is a pure receptacle for the Divine Outpouring which emanates from the Holy Prophet Muhammad. This Outpou...

fana' fi-rasul
Annihilation in the Messenger

(Fana fi Rasul). Annihilation in the Messenger, the Holy Prophet Muhammad (May the Salutations of Allah be upon him and Peace). 'No one will meet Allah before meeting the Prophet'. After annihilation into the Self of the Murshid, the seeker journeys,...

fana' fillah
Annihilation in Allah

(Fana Fillah). Annihilation in Allah. This is the final stage on the Journey of Return to Allah. The being of the lover is annihilated and absorbed into the Being of the Beloved. From here onwards there is endless travelling with the Infinite unfoldi...
