(Bab) Door or gate. Sitting patiently, with total respect and utter humility, at Allah's door, is the work within tariqa. While knocking on Allah's door the murid waits mindfully, never distracted, in readiness for whatever Allah Wills for him. The l...
Bab - see 'Door'.
(Al Bahr). This term has several meanings. It is one of the most powerful symbols of Divine Unity and Absolute Being. When the lover reaches this Mighty Sea and plunges into its Waters, he is lost. The drop becomes the Sea. Also, between the Sea of M...
Bahr -see 'Sea'.
(Bala). The friends of Allah are visited by many sicknesses and tribulations. Affliction refers to bodily illnesses and diverse troubles. It is Allah's favour to His friends. They love only Allah and see only Allah, so whatever comes from Allah is go...
(Baqa). Subsistence with Allah for perpetuity. After the stage of annihilation in Allah, Allah either keeps His slave in this Station of stations or He sends him back to the world to perfect the still imperfect ones. Abiding is the slave's return to...
(Barakah) is a subtle spiritual energy which flows through everything, but is strongest within the human. The more purified the human becomes, the greater the flow of barakah. Overpowering barakah can be experienced in sacred places, in sacred art an...
Barakah - see 'Spiritual Energy'.
(Barazikh). Spiritual isthmuses.
Barzakh al 'Ala - see 'Isthmus-Supreme'.
(Barzakh al Barazikh). This term refers specifically to The Perfect Man.
(Barzakh i-Hayil). Partitioning isthmus.
(Barzakhiyya). Isthmuseity or intermediate state.
(Basar) 'Sight' is the outward eye which perceives the World of the Visible as compared with the inward eye (basirah) which perceives the World of the Unseen.
(Basar al 'Arif). The true slave is both a knower ('arif) and a lover ('ashiq) of Allah. When Allah loves such a slave Allah Himself becomes 'the eye with which he sees ... '