The Language of the Future

Sufi Terminology by Murshid F.A. Ali ElSenossi

Arabic words starting with A

People of perfection

(Ahl al Kamal). These are the great friends of Allah whom He has chosen to manifest His All-Comprehensive Name 'Allah' and to act as His viceregents on His earth.

People of the bench

(Ahl al Suffa). This name refers to the early Muslims who gave up everything because of love of Allah and His Messenger.

ahl'l-Tariqa (ahl'l-Tasawwuf)
People of the Path

(Ahl al Tariqa/Ahl al Tasawwuf). The people of the higher teachings of Islam. They follow the path (tariqa) which was set down by the Prophets of Allah and perfected by the Holy Prophet Muhammad. They are the ones who have turned towards Allah throug...


This is the celestial name of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (May the Salutations of Allah be upon him and Peace). Ahmad is 'the most praiseworthy of those who praise Allah'. His praise, which is none other than The Qur'an, is the complete and most eleva...

Spiritual States

(Ahwal). These are gifts from Allah to the heart of the traveller. There are thousands upon thousands of spiritual states, each state containing a myriad of subtle allusions and each allusion containing innumerable meanings. Within the spiritual conc...


('Isa). The Prophet Jesus (Peace be upon him), through whose Word descended the Wisdom of Prophecy (al hikmat an-nubuwiyyah).

Corporeal bodies

(Ajsam). Within the imaginal realm there occurs the spiritualization of the corporeal bodies and the corporealization of the spirits.

akhfa al-khafi
Hidden of the Hidden

(Akhfa al khafi). The most secret of the secret. The most hidden of the hidden. The most unseen of the unseen.


(Akhira). The hereafter is the next life in which are found the Bridge, the Scales, Paradise and Hell. For the traveller on the Spiritual Path the reality of the things and events of the hereafter may be experienced here and now, in this life. Paradi...

Character traits

(Akhlaq). Character traits or moral traits. The Science of the higher teaching is based upon assuming the beautiful and noble character traits which were perfected by the Holy Prophet Muhammad (May the Salutations of Allah be upon him and Peace).

Good, The

(Akhyar). Within the Sufi hierarchy there are three hundred who are called 'The Good'.

Al 'Aadl
Rightful, The

(Al 'Aadl). The Rightful, Impartial and Just. One of the beautiful Names of Allah.

Al 'Aalim
Cosmos, The

(Al 'Aalim). The Cosmos. One of the beautiful Names of Allah. This Name is related to Kawn and Kun.

Al 'Aaly
High above all, The

(Al 'Aaly). The High above all. One of the beautiful Names of Allah.

al 'abd

('Abd). The slave (and worshipper) is the one who is in a state of total and utter submission to the Will of Allah. After having been annihilated in Allah where all duality vanished and distinctions were erased, he returns to creation with perfect co...
