'Asl - see 'Origin'.
('Assa). The staff of Prophet Musa (Peace be upon him). The staff symbolizes the (corporal) world which it is to be feared when it controls and dominates. However, the knower of Allah can take it up, as did the Prophet Musa, and use it in the Way of...
('Attar). Not using perfumes during the Hajj is an indication to the annihilation of the Names and Attributes in the Essence of Allah itself.
('Awalim). Universes or worlds.
('Ayn). Eye or source or well.
('Ayn al basirah or 'Ayn al Qalb). The 'inner eye'. Spiritual eyesight. The opening of this 'inner eye' is a mystery and a miracle which can only be brought about through the Infinite Mercy of the All Merciful.
('Ayn al Haqq). Entity of the Real. This is Allah's Being or the Essence Itself.
(Ayn al Kafur). The Fountain of Camphor in Paradise from which the slaves of Allah drink directly. Camphor overwhelms and whoever enters into it becomes totally absorbed and one with the camphor. 'The Fountain of Camphor is the 'place' of annihilatio...
('Ayn al Tahkim). The Messengers of Allah were commanded to manifest certain miracles but the friends of Allah are commanded to conceal them. Part of the Divine deception which affects the Elect of the Elect lies in Allah bestowing upon them the 'eye...
('Ayn al Yaqin). The Eye of Certainty. In the triad of the Knowledge of Certainty the Eye of Certainty the Truth of Certainty, the Eye of Certainty could be likened to actually seeing the light of the flames of a fire, after having merely heard a des...
('Ayn mawjuda). The existent entity. The immutable entity ('ayn thabita) and the existent entity ('ayn mawjuda) are the same reality. The latter exists in the cosmos while the former does not. The 'ayn mawjuda is the possible thing after it comes int...
('Ayni Mutlaq). The Absolute Essense or The Hidden of the Hidden.
('Azamah). Grandeur and Tremendousness. This is Allah's Majesty which overwhelms His slaves and fills them with awe.
(A'la). This term is applied as with the opposing attitudes peculiar to those who are called the 'higher' people and the others who are called the 'lower' people. The differences between the 'higher' and 'lower' are in degrees of Knowledge of Allah....
(Abi Hayat). This Water springs from the Divine Name "The Living" (Al Hayy) and symbolises Knowledge of the Absolute. The one who drinks the Water of Life finds eternal life through Al Hayy.