The Language of the Future

Sufi Terminology by Murshid F.A. Ali ElSenossi

Arabic words starting with A

Al 'Aziz
Dear One

Al 'Aziz - see also 'Powerful'.

Al 'Eeyaath
Giver of protection, The

(Al 'Eeyaath) is the giver of protection (‘audhu billah . . . ). One of the beautiful Names of Allah.

al 'isra
Night Journey (of the Holy Prophet)

(Al Isra'). The Night Journey of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (May the Salutations of Allah be upon him and Peace). While mounted on the heavenly steed Buraq (Lightning) the Holy Prophet travelled at a speed outside of time, from the Sacred Mosque in Me...

Al Abad
Eternal, The

(Al Abad). One of the Holy Names of Allah.

Al Abadi
Endless, The

(Al Abadi). The Endless. One of the Beautiful Names of Allah.

Al Amaan

(Al Amaan). Safety - The giver of protection. One of the beautiful Names of Allah.

Al Amr

Al Amr - see 'Divine Command'.

Al Anees
Kind and Gentle, The

(Al Anees). The Kind and Gentle. One of the beautiful Names of Allah.

Al Atheem
Tremendous, The

(Al Atheem). One of the Beautiful Names of Allah.

Al Azal
Eternal, The

(Al Azal). The Eternal. Sempiternity - always eternal. One of the beautiful Names of Allah.

Al Azali
Uncreated, The

(Al Azali). The Uncreated. One of the Beautiful Names of Allah.

Al Bai'ith
Resurrector, The

(Al Bai'ith). The Resurrector. One of the beautiful Names of Allah.

Al Batin
Non-Manifest, The

Al Batin - see 'The Inward'.

Al Batin
Inward, The

(Al Batin). The Hidden, the Nonmanifest. One of the Beautiful Names of Allah. The Principle insofar as It remains hidden behind the appearances of Manifestation; from this derives the perspective of abstraction. Mystery of Immanence as well as of Tr...

Al Bayt al 'Ala
House, The Supreme

Al Bayt al 'Ala - see 'Supreme House'.
