The Language of the Future

Sufi Terminology by Murshid F.A. Ali ElSenossi


(Kursi). In the descent from the Absolute the Footstool is situated under the Throne. It is the place from which the command to good, and the prohibition of evil, issues. Cosmologically it is the heaven of the fixed stars. The Divine Word which descends from Allah contains the Sacred Law within which is all knowledge. The 'place' of the Unity of the Word is Allah's Throne. The Divine Word of Allah's Sacred Law becomes differentiated into rulings and reports at Allah's Footstool (al Kursi).

See also: Judgement Reports Rulings Throne Unity of the Word

(Al Hukm). The judgement or order or property which rules over a thing. Just as a king rules over his subjects according to the level of kingship, so it is the level of the thing that rules, not the entity of the thing. It is this property of a thing which is perceived by the insight of the one with unveiling. The property is rooted in the Divine Name which rules over that thing. The True Muhammadan heirs, The People of Blame, who are the people of 'no station' , always regard their entity, not their level. This is a sign of perfect spiritual courtesy and slavehood or servitude.

(Khabar). The Divine Word which descends from Allah contains the Sacred Law within which is all knowledge. The place of the Unity of the Word is Allah's Throne. The Divine Word of Allah's Sacred Law becomes differentiated into rulings and reports at the Footstool. Reports from Allah can be received by His great friends.

(Ahkam). Orders or determinations or laws or rulings. Allah has set down these ahkam in His Sacred Law. Certain gnostic sciences are contained within these rulings but they are not unveiled unless the rulings are put into practice. This is due to His Manifest property being stronger than His Non-manifest property in relation to creation. We, the humans, accompany only Allah's rulings (Ahkam), not Allah, because Allah is with us but we are not with Allah. Allah knows us, but we do not know Allah.

(Ahadiyyat al Kalima). This is the Divine Word which descends from Allah. This Word contains the Sacred Law within which is all knowledge. The 'place' of this Unity of the Word is His Throne. Beneath the Throne is His Footstool where the Word becomes differentiated into rulings and reports.
Unity of the Word