The Language of the Future

Sufi Terminology by Murshid F.A. Ali ElSenossi

kana maktub
It is written

(Kana Maktub). This phrase indicates that fate or destiny has been written by the Pen upon the Preserved Tablet, and the ink is dry. There is no changing it.

See also: Decree Destiny Fixed Entities The Pen Preparedness Preserved Tablet

(Qada'). The decree or predetermination. Qada' is the universal decree of Allah concerning the entities of the existents as the entities are in themselves before their existence. It is His decree concerning the states that will occur for them from Eternity-without-beginning to Eternity-without-end. The perfect knowers and lovers of Allah always preserve perfect courtesy with Allah. Whenever they commit an act of disobedience they never flee to 'Decree and Destiny' in order to free themselves from blame and wrongdoing. Their Blaming Self which is placed over them, protects them from such acts of discourtesy.

(Qadar). Destiny or Fate or the measure allotted to each entity. Qadar is the particularized deployment of the universal decree through the bestowal of existence upon the entities in accordance with the times and situations required by their individual preparedness. Destiny refers to the fact that each state of an entity is conditioned by a particular time and brought about by a specific cause.

(Ayan al Thabita). The immutable entities or fixed prototypes or established essences or potentialities. These are the infinite and immutable Possibilities which are fixed in the Ipseity. The fixed entities are the images of the Divine Names and Qualities and 'things' of the Ipseity in the Presence of Knowledge, with specific individuation. The term signifies the essential character of every individual existing from eternity in the Divine Knowledge. They are established according to non-existence and they are not qualified by existence.
Fixed Entities

(Isti'dad) is closely connected to receptivity (infi'al). It is the readiness to receive what Allah Wills to send. This 'preparedness' was established in Pre-eternity through the Most Holy Emanation (Al Fayd al Aqdas) which gave the preparedness to the archetype itself.

(Lawh al Mahfuz). The Inscribed or Preserved Tablet upon which the Supreme Pen writes the destinies of all creation. Lawh al Mahfuz is also called the Universal Soul..
Preserved Tablet