The Language of the Future

Sufi Terminology by Murshid F.A. Ali ElSenossi

al-kalimat al-ilahiyya
Divine Word

(Al Kalimat al Ilahiyyah). The Divine Word which descends from Allah contains the Sacred Law within which is all knowledge. The place of the Unity of the Word is His Throne. It descends either as Revelation, Inspiration or Praiseworthy Incoming Thoughts.

See also: Incoming Thoughts Inspiration Revelation Throne Unity of the Word

(Khawatir). Incoming thoughts, which are either praiseworthy or blameworthy, i.e. divine, spiritual, egocentric or satanic. The Spiritual Master possesses the science of khawatir, and therefore knows the source of his murid's incoming thoughts. He supplies the correct spiritual medicine which will restore his murid's health. The Word of Allah descends firstly as Revelation, secondly as inspiration and thirdly as incoming thoughts. Khawatir come to the heart from the World of Dominion. The generality of mankind, both believers and unbelievers, will be questioned on the Day of Judgement and asked to account for their words and actions in this life. But, the people of the Spiritual Path will also be questioned and called to account for each and every incoming thought.
Incoming Thoughts

(Ilham). Divine inspiration or effusion. Ilham is an blowing in of the Holy Spirit into the heart of a Prophet or a Friend of Allah. Ilham is distinct from Revelation which is specific only to the Prophets of Allah. The Divine Ilham is the immense spiritual force through which the Friends of Allah speak their words of Wisdom, write their books of Knowledge, sing their songs of Divine Love. Only the purified heart which has been sanctified through the remembrance of Allah is worthy of this inblowing of ilham. The Verified Shaykh can recognise the one into whom it is blown and the work of creative inspiration which results from that inblowing. The Word of Allah descends firstly as Revelation (wahy), secondly as Inspiration (ilham) and thirdly as Incoming Thoughts (khawatir).

(Wahy) is specific to the Prophets of Allah. It is the descent of the angel of Revelation upon the hearing and the heart of the Prophets and Messengers of Allah. Wahy was terminated with the Holy Prophet Muhammad al Mustapha (May the Salutations of Allah be upon him and Peace). He is the Seal of the Prophets and the Seal of the Messengers. Revelation is experienced by the friends of Allah but it is not the same revelation (wahy) as that which descends upon a Prophet or a Messenger. Such a revelation descends into the heart of a friend but his hearing does not define the speech and his imagination does not give it form. The hadith says, "Nothing remains of prophecy but heralding visions". The Word of Allah descends firstly as revelation, secondly as inspiration and thirdly as incoming thoughts.

(Ahadiyyat al Kalima). This is the Divine Word which descends from Allah. This Word contains the Sacred Law within which is all knowledge. The 'place' of this Unity of the Word is His Throne. Beneath the Throne is His Footstool where the Word becomes differentiated into rulings and reports.
Unity of the Word