The Language of the Future

Sufi Terminology by Murshid F.A. Ali ElSenossi

To come together

(Ijtima'). Allah, the Real is both Essence and Divinity. The Real, as Divinity, may come together with His creation. Allah descends and the slave ascends to meet within a mutual waystation. But such a 'coming together' is impossible for the Essence Itself, Which is Incomparable and Inaccessible.

See also: Coming down Mutual waystation Receive

(Tadalli). This is the descent of Allah to a mutual waystation. Allah's slave, having attained that same waystation through coming close (tadani), now has vision of Allah.
Coming down

(Munazala). This is situated at a point between the ascent of the slave and the descent of the Real. Vision of Allah occurs in this munazala.
Mutual waystation

(Iqbal). 'Receive' or 'turn towards'. When Allah created the Intellect He said to it 'Receive' (iqbal) (or 'turn towards [Me]'.) When it had received He said to it 'Transmit' (or 'turn away [from Me]') and it transmitted. The First Intellect is synonymous with the Supreme Pen, which is none other than the Reality of Muhammad. The terms 'receive' and 'transmit' indicate the function of Mediator or Supreme Barzakh between the Unseen World and the World of manifestation.