The Language of the Future

Sufi Terminology by Murshid F.A. Ali ElSenossi


(Hizb). Prayer or litany. The litany is of great protective power as with the famous 'Litany of the Sea' (Hizb al Bahr) of Shaykh Abu'l-Hasan ash-Shadhili.

See also: Sea Spiritual work

(Awrad). This is the spiritual work undertaken by the murid with the direct permission of his Murshid. The awrad consists of units of dhikr, in the form of repetition of Divine Names, Qur'anic verses and sacred litanies. Within tariqa it is the actual doing of the awrad which results in a gradual and beautiful inner transformation. However the degree of spiritual transformation depends, firstly and ultimately upon the Grace of Allah, but also upon the purity of intention and sincerity of the murid. The Murshid distributes the awrad, but it is the murid who is required to do the awrad.
Spiritual work