The Language of the Future

Sufi Terminology by Murshid F.A. Ali ElSenossi


(Hadra). Presence or world or plane or level. Hadra also refers to the gathering where the collective remembrance of Allah is performed.

See also: Circle Remembrance

(Halqa). This is the spiritual gathering in which the members of a tariqa devote themselves to the Remembrance of Allah (Dhikrullah). Each 'one who remembers' becomes like a link in a circular chain. Immense spiritual energy (Barakah) can be attracted to the circle during such a collective dhikr. Allah says in a Hadith Qudsi "I am in My slave's opinion of Me. I am with him when he remembers Me. If he remembers Me in himself, I remember him in Myself; if he remembers me in a gathering (assembly), I remember him in a higher gathering". Individual dhikr is inconceivably powerful, containing as it does all that is necessary to transform the lower self of the dhakir into his Higher Self. When Lovers of Allah gather with the sole intention of Remembering Allah, then the spiritual energy emanating from the vocalised dhikr can have astounding reverberations in the physical and spiritual domains. An outsider entering such a gathering can experience near-suffocation due to the change in the atmosphere under the influence of the dhikr. Healing can take place also. The spirits of earlier Masters of the Path may join such a gathering. The vibrations, set up by the mention of one of the Beautiful Names of Allah, echo inwardly towards the Heart and outwardly towards the manifest realm. The spiritual energy emanating from the Circle is great when it is being 'directed' by one of the Inheritors of the Prophet Muhammad (May the Salutations of Allah be upon him and Peace). The Pure Heart of such a Man attracts to itself a highly concentrated spiritual energy of the most blessed nature.

(Dhikr). Remembrance, invocation or glorification of Allah, through the repetition of one of His Names or a phrase to His Glory. True dhikr is a spiritual state in which the one who remembers (dhakir) concentrates all of his physical and spiritual powers upon Allah so that his entire being may be united with the Absolute. It is the fundamental practice of the Sufi Path and may be undertaken in solitude or in gatherings. Specific breathing patterns are central to the effectiveness of the dhikr.