The Language of the Future

Sufi Terminology by Murshid F.A. Ali ElSenossi

Wrath of Allah

(Ghadab). Allah's Wrath or His Anger. Wretchedness belongs to the Divine Wrath and felicity, which is the Infinite expanse of Allah's Mercy, belongs to the Divine Approval. The Holy Prophet Muhammad said "Allah's Mercy precedes His Wrath".

See also: Beauty Contentment Distance from Allah Felicity Majesty Names of Beauty Names of Majesty Nearness Wretchedness

(Jamal). Beauty is comprised of the characteristics of mercy and graciousness (altaf) from the Divine Presence. Beauty (Jamal) is opposite Majesty (Jalal). Perfection (Kamal) embraces all opposition. When the heart is overwhelmed by jamal then intimacy (Uns) is experienced.

(Rida'). Contentment and satisfaction and sincere acceptance of the Divine decree. In this station the lover is always content with what is done by the Beloved. However, the true man is only ever satisfied and content with Allah Himself. The one who has attained to this rida has arrived at his 'well-pleased Self'.

(Bu'd). Distance from Allah. There can be two aspects to bu'd. One is the distance which comes about through forgetfulness of, or even disbelief in, Allah. Such a distance is Hell in this life and in the Hereafter. The other distance is in fact a profoundly sweet distance. It occurs when the slave truly knows, through unveiling, that 'the slave remains the slave and the Lord remains the Lord'. Such a distance as this is one of the means by which the slave attains nearness to Allah. And nearness to Allah is Paradise here and now.
Distance from Allah

(Sa'ada) is nearness to Allah and the Infinite Expanse of His Mercy. The attainment of ultimate felicity awaits the believer in the Garden, yet he may experience a relative felicity, in this life, when he is engaged in prayer or the Remembrance of Allah. Valuable knowledge leads to deliverance, and deliverance is felicity.

(Jalal). The Divine Majesty. Jalal indicates Allah's Incomparability. His Qualities of Majesty include His Transcendence, His Inaccessibilty, His Magnificence, His Tremendousness. Awe is experienced when the heart is overwhelmed by jalal.

(Asma Jamaliyyah). The Names of Beauty. These Names relate to Allah's similarity) and are demanded by the fact that Mercy precedes Wrath and Light erases darkness. The Names of Beauty include such Names as The Friend (al Wali), The Subtle (al Latif), The All Merciful (ar-Rahman). When a traveller is under the influence of a spiritual state in which a Name of Beauty dominates he is filled with ineffable sweetness and joy.
Names of Beauty

(Asma Jalaliyyah). These Names relate to Allah's Incomparability and are demanded by the very fact of Allah's Being and our nonexistence. The Names of Majesty include such Names as The Tremendous (al 'Azim), The Overpowering (al Qahhar). When the traveller is under the influence of a spiritual state in which a Name of Majesty dominates he is utterly overwhelmed.
Names of Majesty

(Qurb). Proximity or nearness to Allah. Qurb is the reality of the Station of Perfection, 'Two Bows' Length'. It is the limit of the slave's ascent before annihilation in Allah. One of the bewilderments of the Journey is that through having knowledge of his distance from Allah the slave is actually brought near. Slavehood indicates this distance which brings nearness. The slave must cling to perfect courtesy by honouring and respecting the Truth that, 'the slave remains the slave and the Lord remains the Lord'.

(Shaqa'). This is a stage which is reached through following individual caprices and whims. Disobedience is the condition of the wretched one (shaqi), while obedience is that of the felicitous one . Misguidance pushes man to wretchedness. Guidance leads man to Felicity.