The Language of the Future

Sufi Terminology by Murshid F.A. Ali ElSenossi

dhikr akhfa al-khafi
Remembrance, the most secret of secret

(Dhikr akhfa al khafi). The most secret of secret remembrance. This is the secret dhikr. It is the beautiful mutual remembrance between Allah Almighty and his slave, who is both a knower and a lover. It is the vision of the Reality of Absolute Truth. Allah says "And the Remembrance of Allah is greater". We cannot remember Allah unless He firstly remembers us. This is a gift of Grace from Allah to His slaves. The heart is overwhelmed when engaged in this dhikr because Allah's Remembrance is greater.

See also: Knower Lover 'Or nearer' Slave Truth of Certainty Two bow's length

('Alim). The one who knows. This term derives from the word 'knowledge' ('ilm). Usually it refers to the exoteric scholars, though sometimes 'alim is used in reference to 'those who know Allah'. The 'one who knows' is the one whom Allah causes to witness his godhead (uluhiyyah) and His Essence. No states manifest to him, knowledge is his condition.

(Muhibb) This Name may be applied to Allah Himself when considering His slave to be His beloved, or it may be applied to the slave himself whose Beloved is Allah. In reality there is only one Beloved of Allah and that is the Holy Prophet Muhammad (May the Salutations of Allah be upon him and Peace) and it is only through being annihilated in him that the lover of Allah may be transformed into the beloved of Allah. The lover (Muhibb) is the one who is enraptured by Allah's Beauty in contrast to the knower ('Arif) who remains in sobriety in the face of all of Allah's Self-disclosures (Tajalli). The knower who is also a lover is in a state of Perfection (Kamal) being inwardly intoxicated and outwardly sober. Such a friend (Wali) has attained perfect balance and harmony. He is the Perfect Man.

('Abd). The slave (and worshipper) is the one who is in a state of total and utter submission to the Will of Allah. After having been annihilated in Allah where all duality vanished and distinctions were erased, he returns to creation with perfect courtesy and with the Truth of Certainty that 'the Lord is the Lord and the slave is the slave'. When 'abd is translated as 'servant' it carries the implication that the servant can leave the service of his Master, if he so desires. However, the 'slave' is in total bondage, being utterly dependent upon his Master. All buying and selling transactions have been terminated. The slave belongs to Allah, completely, perfectly and unconditionally.

(Haqq al Yaqin). There are three stages of Certainty 'Ilm al Yaqin (The Knowledge of Certainty), 'Ayn al yaqin (The Eye of Certainty) and Haqq al Yaqin (The Truth of Certainty). When considering this triad the Truth of Certainty could be likened to being consumed by the flames of a blazing fire after the two preliminary stages of 'Ilm al Yaqin (merely hearing a description of that fire) and 'Ayn al Yaqin (actually seeing the light of the flames of a fire). Haqq al Yaqin is the final stage in the ascent before attaining Real Islam. The seven levels of knowledge through which the traveller (Salik) must pass are Islam; Iman; Ihsan; 'Ilm al Yaqin; 'Ayn al Yaqin; Haqq al Yaqin and Islam. (Surrender, Faith, Perfection, Knowledge of Certainty, The Eye of Certainty, The Truth of Certainty and Total Surrender and Submission).
Truth of Certainty