The Language of the Future

Sufi Terminology by Murshid F.A. Ali ElSenossi

al-wujud al-haqq

(Wujud al Haqq). The Real Being which is the Manifest within the loci of manifestation.

See also: Locus Place of Self-disclosure Place of Allah's Self-disclosure Places of Self-disclosure

(Mahall). Locus or dwelling place or place of manifestation. Each human heart is a locus in which the Being of Allah discloses Itself. The radiance of His Self-disclosure depends upon the purity of the heart in the way that water takes on the colour of the cup. His Self-disclosures pertain to the 'unseen' world and to the 'visible' world, both of which are perceived by the heart. This indicates the vastness and the tremendous capacity of the human heart.

(Majla). Place or locus of Divine Self-disclosure and revelation. The cosmos was given existence purely and solely to be a place for the manifestation of the Divine Names. And man was given existence purely and solely to develop himself into the Perfect Man and become a place for the manifestation of the All-Comprehensive Name 'Allah'.
Place of Self-disclosure

(Mathar). The person who experiences unveiling sees the lights as places of disclosure (mathar) within the imaginal realm. These lights abound according to the purity of the 'secret' of the one with unveiling. The cosmos is the place of manifestation of all the Names of Allah. Some of these places are manifest and others are hidden, but they are all nevertheless places of Allah's Self-disclosure (mathar).
Place of Allah's Self-disclosure