The Language of the Future

Sufi Terminology by Murshid F.A. Ali ElSenossi


(Wazn). Allah has set-up the Scale in order to weigh things. There are many such Scales - the Scale of Justice, the Scale of the Revealed Law, the Divine Scale, the Fundamental Scale. Everything pertaining to Allah Almighty, to knowledge, to spiritual realization, to love and to the human state must be weighed. "And He has set up the Balance (of Justice) in order that ye may not transgress (due) balance" (The Qur'an 55:7-8).

See also: Actions Disequilibrium Equilibrium Felicity Guidance Law Misguidance Scale Work Wretchedness

(Af'al). Human actions or deeds. Allah created man, but to what extent did He create man's actions and works? This question of free will and predestination should not be a major concern to the traveller to Allah. He must occupy his time and devote his efforts towards purifying his intentions and actions so that they conform to those of the Holy Prophet Muhammad, who is our Beautiful Model. In following him and striving to emulate his actions and deeds man will attain to felicity. Predestination is a secret of Allah which He only reveals to the most perfect Knowers.

(Inhiraf). All spiritual illness are based upon an inner disequilibrium which has its root in the base character traits of the individual. Through spiritual struggle and the sincere turning to the Remembrance of Allah the base character traits may be transformed into noble ones. With the assuming of the noble character traits, equilibrium and harmony will be attained.

(I'tidal). Equilibrium and balance. Spiritual equilibrium is attained through assuming the noble character traits which were perfected in the Holy Prophet Muhammad (May the Salutations of Allah be upon him and Peace). Under the direction of the Murshid, who is a divine physican, the murid's constitution may be brought into harmony and (I'tidal); equilibrium and balance. Perfection is an equilibrium in which all of the Divine Names are in balance. No one Name predominates over another. This is the perfect balance of the Perfect Man, who is a locus of manifestation for the All-Comprehensive Name 'Allah'. The Name 'Allah' contains all the Divine Names.

(Sa'ada) is nearness to Allah and the Infinite Expanse of His Mercy. The attainment of ultimate felicity awaits the believer in the Garden, yet he may experience a relative felicity, in this life, when he is engaged in prayer or the Remembrance of Allah. Valuable knowledge leads to deliverance, and deliverance is felicity.

(Huda). It is Allah Who guides whoever He wants to Himself. The journey from the circumference to the Centre is under Divine Guidance and is specific to the people of yearning who travel the Spiritual Path. When He wants to join someone to Himself He guides them to His saints.

(Idlal). Man has been given the choice as to which path he takes on the return journey to his Origin. In this life he can make the Journey of Return to his Sacred Centre under Divine Guidance which is manifested in the Prophets of Allah and His friends. But, he can be prevented from making the journey in this life due to Misguidance (Idlal) which is manifested in Satan and his friends.

(Mizan). The scale or the balance. The Sacred Law is the scale in which must be weighed everything pertaining to Allah, to knowledge, to spiritual realization, to love and to the human state. The traveller on the Path of Return is required to purify himself, through spiritual endeavour, in order to achieve this balance which Allah has established.

('Amal). Work or action or practice. When faith and practice are combined with godfearingness then knowledge will be gained. The knowledge which brings man closer to Allah is not merely theoretical knowledge. Felicity is attained only when knowledge and practice (work, action) are combined. On the Journey of Return to the Source the traveller (salik) is required to put into practice every knowledge gained during his travelling. This will lead to further unveilings of knowledge, for in the words of the Holy Prophet Muhammad "He who acts upon what he knows, Allah will make him inherit that which he does not know".

(Shaqa'). This is a stage which is reached through following individual caprices and whims. Disobedience is the condition of the wretched one (shaqi), while obedience is that of the felicitous one . Misguidance pushes man to wretchedness. Guidance leads man to Felicity.