(Waswas). The satanic suggestions and whisperings which enter into the heart of man in order to distract him from the Remembrance of Allah. The waswas is sneaky and cunning. He is not easily located or quietened. The struggle against satanic suggestions is a decisive part of the strategy in the Greater Holy War. Initially the murid needs his Murshid, the divine physician, to protect him and guard him and assist him in locating the waswas. In time and after many journeys and through much ascetic discipline, abstinence and spiritual endeavour, the heart of the murid becomes increasingly purified. He begins to recognize the whisperings which enter his heart through incoming thoughts and is able to defend himself with the celestial weapon of the remembrance of Allah. The tables are turned! At the beginning the waswas distracted the one who remembers from the remembrance. Then the one who remembers strikes the waswas with the remembrance.