The Language of the Future

Sufi Terminology by Murshid F.A. Ali ElSenossi


(Tahaqquq). This is a characteristic of the Verifiers. When considering the three stages of self-annihilation this realization (tahaqquq) occupies the second stage. It is here that the mystic has his essence annihilated and then realizes in himself his being one with the Absolute.

See also: Annihilation Assuming [the Divine Character Traits] Connection Essence Knowers of Allah Verifiers

(Fana'). Self-annihilation or self-effacement or dissolution or passing away from self. Through being joined to Allah, the Real; man is annihilated from himself - the 'limited existence' of the traveller is overpowered by the 'absolute existence' of Allah, so that the traveller becomes unaware of his own self and the creation. Fana' is the last stage on the ascent to Allah. When travelling to the Source, the seeker passes through different levels of fana', each of which brings him closer to his Goal. There are hundreds, even thousands, of fana's. Every time a form of ignorance is removed to be replaced by knowledge, the murid has experienced fana'. He has tasted the annihilation of an ignorance. And, every moment of existence is in fact a moment which is pregnant with its own particular knowledge. So, for the aware one, each moment can be a fana'. However, within the higher teaching of Tasawwuf  there are three major types of fana', through which the murid must travel if he is to reach the Absolute. These are Annihilation in the Murshid/Spiritual Guide, Annihilation in the Messenger and Annihilation in Allah.

(Ta'alluq). Connection or firm adherence. Ta'alluq signifies a relationship, such as that which exists between an attribute and its object, or a name and its effect. When considering Self-annihilation (fana') as three distinct stages, ta'alluq occupies the third stage. This indicates that the knower of Allah remains firmly attached to the essential property of sainthood (wilayah) and is never separated from it in any situation. The first and second stages of fana' are Assuming the Divine character traits (takhalluq) and Realization (tahaqquq).

(Dhat). The Essence. This is Allah in Himself without regard to His creations, His Attributes or His Names. The Essence is beyond knowledge or conceptualization. Allah warns us of this aspect of Himself. The Essence is Absolute Blindness, the Hidden of the Hidden, the Unknown of the Unknown. This is the World of Absolute Non-manifestation.

(Al 'Arifin/'Urufa). They see and recognize Allah wherever they look. The knowers are bewildered. But this is not the bewilderment of being lost, rather it is the bewilderment of having found Allah. They know that He cannot be known. The knowers are nothing because they are everything.
Knowers of Allah

(Al Muhaqqiqun). These great ones form the highest category of friends of Allah. They follow no one's authority because in themselves they have verified and realized [through unveiling and finding], the truth and reality of all things which is Allah, the Real. They are also known as'The People of Unveiling and Finding'.