The Language of the Future

Sufi Terminology by Murshid F.A. Ali ElSenossi


(Shawq). Intense longing and yearning for the Beloved. Shawq is a yearning to behold the Beloved, and a longing for nearness to the Beloved, and a longing for union with the Beloved, and an intense longing for increase in perpetual longing. It is said that breath is a movement of yearning towards the Beloved and within the breathing enjoyment is experienced. The breathing of the ecstatic who is under the pull of the Divine Attraction bears witness to this. The Reality of shawq is that the luminous fire takes over the heart and there is no medicine for it except for meeting of the Beloved. The intense fire in the heart comes about because of the separation between the one who desires and the One who is desired. When the meeting takes place, the fire of longing will be extinguished. In the state of secretness, what increases is the witnessing of the Beloved, and shawq has no place there. One of the lovers of Allah said 'Do you desire Allah?' he answered 'No', because you only desire that which is absent from you and my Beloved is always present with me. The unification of this factor is in the unification of the spiritual resolve towards Allah and the continous journeying to Him - that is 'To worship Allah like you see Him, and if you do not see Him, be certain that He sees you'. He is with you in the present moment, for this reason, you do not desire Him, because you are with Him. Shawq is he need of the heart to meet the Beloved.

See also: Bewilderment Breath Divine Attraction Ecstasy Love-Passionate Lover-Passionate Sufi Singer Spiritual Concert Spiritual resolve

(Hayrah). Bewilderment, perplexity or wonderment. Hayrah indicates a moment of utter perplexity, when the mind ceases to function, unable as it is to resolve or find an answer to a particular spiritual impasse. At such a blessed time, for it is by the Grace of Allah that such bewilderment was reached, the murid must attempt not to panic or give up. Out of this knot of bewilderment a spiritual reality is given the opportunity to unravel and reveal itself in shattering clarity. The Ultimate bewilderment is that possessed by the knowers and lovers of Allah. They are utterly bewildered because they have found Allah and in finding Allah they know that He is Unknowable yet in each moment they are opened to a fresh and new Knowledge of Allah! 'So, Glory be to Allah Who is known only through the fact that He is not known!'

(Nafas). Breath or instant. Nafas is the indivisible moment in which every existent in the cosmos undergoes a new creation. The spiritual energy (barakah) of the Sufi Path is transmitted on the breath of the Murshid. It is only through receiving the bay'ah, the Pledge of Initiation, face-to-face from the Murshid that the full power of this Divine Breath can start working within the murid. The Murshid, who himself has received this transmission of the breath from his own Murshid, then passes the breath to his murids. Contemplation upon his own breath can bring the murid to knowledge of 'the renewal of creation in each instant'.

(Jadhba). When, through His Infinite Grace, Allah draws or pulls His lover towards Himself, without any effort on the part of the lover, rapture and ecstasy are experienced. The Holy Prophet Muhammad (May the Salutations of Allah be upon him and Peace) said, "A single one of Allah's attractions equals all the work of jinn and men". During the divine rapture (jadhba), which overpowers the lover's heart, he becomes present with Allah.
Divine Attraction

(Wajd). These are the states which come upon the heart unexpectedly. They annihilate it from witnessing itself and others. Ecstasy is the descent of immense spiritual energy upon the slave. It overwhelms the senses, causing extreme physical reactions. Ecstasy is true when body, mind and heart are overcome by this descent. Wajd may manifest as intense joy, when Allah's Beauty dominates, or as intense grief, when His Majesty dominates. It is during the spiritual concert that the lover may experience ecstasy and more ecstasy. Ecstasy is a gift of Allah's Grace upon His lover. Without these gifts of wajd the lover would be unable to bear the intensity of longing and love contained within his heart.

(Qawwal). During the 'spiritual concert' (sama') the qawwal may be the means through which the hearer finds Allah in ecstasy. When this occurs it is true sama' because sama' is a bird which flies from Allah to Allah - Allah is the singer and Allah is the hearer. The barakah surrounding and emanating from the qawwal and his musicians is extremely potent. Its effect upon an audience can be profound even when the members of that audience are ignorant of, and oblivious to, the reality within the singer and the music. For the one who has been prepared and purified, through spiritual struggle and the Remembrance of Allah, the speech of the qawwal can send his heart soaring towards the spiritual realm, where a thousand subtleties and delicacies are opened to him.
Sufi Singer

(Sama'). The spiritual concert or 'audition' or 'listening'. This term refers specifically to the Sufi gatherings where music and song are employed as a means of opening the heart to inrushes of knowledge and awareness. During the spritual concert, the listener may experience ecstasy and find Allah, The Real within that ecstasy. However, before true ecstasy can be experienced the listener must be spiritually mature, having been prepared through discipline and perpetual Remembrance of Allah. Without this initial contraction of spiritual endeavour the expansion of ecstasy will not be real. The Spiritual Concert is not suitable for the novice. True Sama' is a bird which flies from Allah to Allah. Allah is the singer and Allah is the hearer. At this Divine Feast the singer and the hearer become One.
Spiritual Concert

(Himma). Intense Spiritual Resolve. This is the most powerful force contained within man. It is the sincere and dedicated application of all of one's efforts and strivings towards attaining the desired Object - Allah. The strength of this will results from its sincerity and the purity of its facing, its collectedness and its focusing on a specific matter. 'Himma' is a pure, active force in the human being and is found in the origin of his creation and nature, or else it is acquired and developed later. From the point of view of it being a force, it is capable of attachment and is therefore attached in accordance with the will of its owner. If one attaches one's 'himma' to the world, one achieves riches and position; if one attaches it to worship, one achieves stations and inspirations; and if it belongs to Allah, all attachments fall away and the aspiration becomes one. Al Himma is to turn totally to the Creative Truth without saying “I can’t” or with regards to the self, “what’s in it for me?” By using the means and the connections of work and the convictions of hope and to trust yourself with it totally. In the beginning, himma is that you have made firm your convictions towards obedience to Allah and fulfilling the promise of your repentance. It can develop from there and it is possible for the spiritual resolve to proceed through the following stages: The connection of one’s heart by the real blessing that never diminishes. Swaying the self from the diminishing desires. Seriousness in seeking the Truth when there is reluctance. With regards to conduct, himma is: 1. The desire to remain steadfast in the spiritual actions one performs. 2. With the continuation of visualision and the power of trust in Allah, by doing what you need to do, and you surrender to Him. With regards to manners, one should turn the himma totally towards proper behaviour in order to achieve the ultimate happiness and completeness. With regards to foundations, the himma will pull her owner towards the right of the Creative Truth by the power of ______________. And the peace and tranquillity of being with Allah will not stop her owner or cool down. Through their Spiritual Resolve the great friends of Allah possess the power to perform miracles. Yet, due to their knowledge, their slavehood and their perfect courtesy they refrain from exercising such spiritual resolve except when in compliance with a Divine Command. There can be no greater blessing for a human than the gift of being born into this earthly realm with the pre-eternal yearning to return to his Origin. It is the greatest gift that Allah gives to anyone. And, it is the highest luck, because this yearning, this himma, was established within the, as yet unformed soul, when it was still non-existent, (though existent), within the Knowledge of Allah. The opposites become united in such a human, who, though dwelling in an earthly body of clay and de­composition, has a yearning soul, composed of the noble virtues and immortal qualities. And for this Gift, the seeker will never be able to express his thanks to his Lord. He who has no spiritual aspiration or sincere will in seeking Allah in gratitude or in love cannot have an ambition to follow the Sufi Path of 'Friendship'.
Spiritual resolve