The Language of the Future

Sufi Terminology by Murshid F.A. Ali ElSenossi


('Amal). Work or action or practice. When faith and practice are combined with godfearingness then knowledge will be gained. The knowledge which brings man closer to Allah is not merely theoretical knowledge. Felicity is attained only when knowledge and practice (work, action) are combined. On the Journey of Return to the Source the traveller (salik) is required to put into practice every knowledge gained during his travelling. This will lead to further unveilings of knowledge, for in the words of the Holy Prophet Muhammad "He who acts upon what he knows, Allah will make him inherit that which he does not know".

See also: Actions Divine knowledge God consciousness Incoming Thoughts

(Af'al). Human actions or deeds. Allah created man, but to what extent did He create man's actions and works? This question of free will and predestination should not be a major concern to the traveller to Allah. He must occupy his time and devote his efforts towards purifying his intentions and actions so that they conform to those of the Holy Prophet Muhammad, who is our Beautiful Model. In following him and striving to emulate his actions and deeds man will attain to felicity. Predestination is a secret of Allah which He only reveals to the most perfect Knowers.

(Ma'rifa) is a light which Allah casts into the heart of whomsoever He Wills. This is the true knowledge which comes through unveiling, witnessing and tasting. This knowledge is from Allah, it is not Allah Himself, because He Is Unknowable in His Essence. The triad on the Sufi Path of Return is comprised of Fear, Knowledge and Love. Fear leads to Knowledge which leads to Unconditional Love of Allah. It is said that spiritual struggle is child's play while ma'rifa is men's work.
Divine knowledge

(Khawatir). Incoming thoughts, which are either praiseworthy or blameworthy, i.e. divine, spiritual, egocentric or satanic. The Spiritual Master possesses the science of khawatir, and therefore knows the source of his murid's incoming thoughts. He supplies the correct spiritual medicine which will restore his murid's health. The Word of Allah descends firstly as Revelation, secondly as inspiration and thirdly as incoming thoughts. Khawatir come to the heart from the World of Dominion. The generality of mankind, both believers and unbelievers, will be questioned on the Day of Judgement and asked to account for their words and actions in this life. But, the people of the Spiritual Path will also be questioned and called to account for each and every incoming thought.
Incoming Thoughts