The Language of the Future

Sufi Terminology by Murshid F.A. Ali ElSenossi


(Nida'). Allah calls mankind to felicity. The different Names call the creatures. Man calls to his Lord in supplication and need.

See also: Guidance Messenger Names Private prayer Prophet Qur'an Straight Path Supplication

(Huda). It is Allah Who guides whoever He wants to Himself. The journey from the circumference to the Centre is under Divine Guidance and is specific to the people of yearning who travel the Spiritual Path. When He wants to join someone to Himself He guides them to His saints.

(Rasul). A Messenger (of Allah). The rasul is the one sent by Allah. Allah is the Principle and the rasul is a radiation from Allah. The Way back to Allah, the Principle is via His Messenger (rasul), the radiation.

(Asma). Names. The Names designate permanent 'aspects' of the Essence. Every Name has a meaning and a form. The meaning of every Name is Allah. It is only through the Names, all of which are Allah's, that we have access to Knowledge of Allah. The Divine Names seek the Perfect Man (Insan al Kamil) to be their perfect locus of manifestation. Through their seeking him and their requiring his existence the knower comes to understand the nobility and grandeur of the Perfect Man.

(Munajat) is a prayer of intimate conversation between Allah and man during which words of love and affection are exchanged and consolation is found for the afflicted heart.
Private prayer

(Nabi). A Prophet is a friend of Allah (Wali) who possesses unique knowledge of the Unseen Worlds. Allah has sent 124,000 Prophets to humanity to show them the Way of Returning to Allah. The Prophets are under the Command of Allah to invite people to their particular way (or religion). The teachings of these religions are varied in keeping with the different peoples to whom they were directed, yet the Source of all is One, Allah. Each Prophet and each religion reveals a specific Face of the Absolute. Muhammad the Chosen One is the Final Prophet of Allah - May the Salutations of Allah be upon him and Peace. The universal message which he delivered is the perfect and complete religion. It is for all of humanity, not being limited exclusively to one group of people.

The Recitation or The Reading. The Qur'an is the Final Revelation from Allah to humanity. This Sacred Book contains all the keys with which to open the endless unfolding of Knowledge of Allah. The Qur'an is that which brings together (qur'an), and it is also that which differentiates (furqan). Seeing furqan without qur'an is seeing only multiplicity and is therefore associating other gods with Allah. Seeing only qur'an without furqan is denying the secondary causes (asbab) and therefore limiting Allah. The First Word, 'Iqra' , of the Final Revelation, which descended upon the Holy Prophet Muhammad (May the Salutations of Allah be upon him and Peace) through Jibril, the Archangel of Revelation, (Peace be upon him), opened for mankind the Perfect and Complete Way of Return to Allah.

(Sirat al mustaqim) is the Path laid down by the prescriptive Divine command in The Qur'an and the Sunna of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (May the Salutations of Allah be upon him and Peace). It is the Path which leads man to felicity. This is the straightest and therefore the shortest way of Return to the Source.
Straight Path

(Du'a'). Du'a is the private and personal supplication of the slave to his Lord. "Your Lord has said Call upon Me and I will answer you" (The Qur'an 2:260). "Call upon Allah, or call upon Rahman (the Merciful), By whatever name ye call upon Him, (it is well) for to Him belong the Most Beautiful Names" (The Qur'an 17:110). This personal form of prayer gives to the worshipper the opportunity to pour out his heart, expressing his longings, his fears, and his intense need of his Lord. In so doing man can rid himself of accumulated poisons and emotional debris which block the celestial channel between himself and Allah Almighty. Sitting, with head bowed and palms upturned in an attitude of readiness to receive the barakah from above, man may become a symbol, not only of spiritual poverty but also one of supreme trust.