The Language of the Future

Sufi Terminology by Murshid F.A. Ali ElSenossi

nazar sahih

(Nadhr sahih) is to look, consider and reflect upon the manifest and unmanifest signs, thereby recognizing the true situation of the cosmos.

See also: Creation Secondary Causes Sign

(Khalq). Creation itself or the phenomenal world. Khalq refers to the creation which is the result of the Creator's Command, "Be!" ("Kun!"). The term al Khalq (creation) is often applied as the opposite of al Haqq (the Creative Truth). The first thing that Allah created was the Light of Muhammad and from his light all of existence became manifest. The Holy Prophet said, "I am from the Light of Allah and the whole world is from my light". Creation itself is only made visible through him.

(Asbab). These were established as a means by which man can come to know Allah, yet for the majority of mankind the secondary causes act as veils over Reality.
Secondary Causes

('Alama). Sign or omen or mark. The cosmos ('alam) is a sign and a mark ('alama) of Allah. It is a proof of Allah. But a mark denotes only that which is limited, so the cosmos does not denote His Essence, only the knowledge that He exists. Every sign, every mark indicates Allah, but the majority of mankind recognize Allah only in that particular mark or sign in which they have limited Allah. The knower and lover never limit Allah. They recognize Allah in every 'alama.