The Language of the Future

Sufi Terminology by Murshid F.A. Ali ElSenossi


(Mustanad). Support (or reality) of a thing. Everything in the cosmos can be traced back to the Divine Names. The support or reality of each existent thing is a Divine Name. Therefore, all things have a support within the Divine Knowledge. We are all supported by Allah.

See also: Names Origin Realities Reality

(Asma). Names. The Names designate permanent 'aspects' of the Essence. Every Name has a meaning and a form. The meaning of every Name is Allah. It is only through the Names, all of which are Allah's, that we have access to Knowledge of Allah. The Divine Names seek the Perfect Man (Insan al Kamil) to be their perfect locus of manifestation. Through their seeking him and their requiring his existence the knower comes to understand the nobility and grandeur of the Perfect Man.

(Asl). Origin, root, support or principle. Everything has a root, a support or origin and that root is the One Reality, Allah.

(Haqiqa). 'Reality' indicates the Essential Reality of things or the Divine Truth. It is the reality of the entity. Al Haqiqa is the negation of the effects of the slave's qualities by His Qualities, so that He is the agent through, in and from, the slave.