The Language of the Future
Sufi Terminology
by Murshid F.A. Ali ElSenossi

an-naqs al-khalqi
Imperfect Nature of the Created

(Naqs al khalqi). Of necessity the created must have an imperfect nature, being as it is 'other-than Allah'. Allah Alone is Perfect. The creature can attain to the type of Perfection which its level requires. All of the existent things are perfect in this respect, except for man. He must struggle to reach the Perfection of his level within the hierarchy of existence. The man who has attained is the Perfect Man.

See also: Animality Levels No station Other than Allah Perfect Man Place Self-Perfect Trust
(Hayawaniyyah). Creation is a hierarchy. Each entity has its own level which indicates its position within that hierarchy. The animals occupy their own level and in so doing they fulfil and complete all the requirements demanded by that level of manifestation. Man was created to become the locus of manifestation for the All-Comprehensive Name 'Allah'. He has been given the choice to return to Allah either as a 'human being' who has fulfilled his 'reason for being' or as a mere human who has the qualities of an animal. In this latter case he may be described by the word hayawaniyah - animality, because he has fallen beneath his own hierarchical level.
(Maratib). Every existent thing has its own level, and each one of these levels demands a specific relationship with Allah. When an existent thing fulfils all of the conditions pertaining to its level in the hierarchy of existence then that thing is complete.
(La maqam). This is the 'station of no station'. This 'station of no station' is the highest station reached by the People of Perfection who manifest the Name 'Allah'. They have passed beyond all states and stations and are the true Muhammadan heirs. They have passed beyond both Majesty and Beauty and have no attribute and no description. They are not determined by properties. The People of 'no station' are the Divine Ones. The Real is identical with them. The Muhammadan heirs have no goal because their vastness is the Vastness of Allah Himself Who has no goal in Himself which might ultimately be reached. The People of 'no station' witness only Allah - Allah, the Infinite, the Eternal, the Absolute.
(Ghayr Allah). 'Other than Allah' is the cosmos and all that it contains. To be 'other than Allah' is to be imperfect, but this 'imperfection' is in itself Perfection!
(Al Insan al Kamil). He is the viceregent of Allah, through whom Allah contemplates His Own Name-derived Perfection. The Perfect Man has actualized the divine form and in carrying the Trust has fulfilled his reason for being. It is through the Perfect Man that Allah enters the world. Al Insan al Kamil is also one of the names given to the Supreme Isthmus. Man consists of a body and a spirit which governs it. The cosmos also consists of a body and a spirit which governs it. Its spirit is the Perfect Man. Without him the cosmos is likened to a discarded body.
(Makan). Elevation is of two kinds one is elevation in rank (makanah) and the other is elevation in place (makan) and mankind is described by both. Elevation in place pertains to works and worship, for it is through works and worship that man is elevated in the degrees of Paradise. The term makan is also applied to a resting-spot or waystation in the expanse, which exists only for the people of Perfection, who have actualized the stages and states and passed beyond them to the stage above Majesty and Beauty. They have neither substantial attribute nor relational characteristic.
(Amanat). The Trust was offered to the heavens and the earth, but they refused to carry it, but mankind accepted the Trust. The Trust is to act as a locus of manifestation of the All-Comprehensive Name 'Allah'. The Perfect Man is the one who fulfills this Trust and in so doing becomes worthy of being Allah's representative on this earth.

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