The Language of the Future
Sufi Terminology
by Murshid F.A. Ali ElSenossi

Order by: Arabic English


sirr al-'ilm
Secret of the Knowledge

(Sirr al 'Ilm). This term indicates the reality that exists for the possessor of that knowledge.

sirr al-khususiyyah
Secret of election

(Sirr al Khususiyyah). The mystery or secret of election. This sirr is the innermost reality of the friends of Allah. Through Allah's jealousy towards His elect He keeps their reality hidden. 'My saints are under My dome. No one knows them but Me'.

sirr al-sirr
Secret of the Secret

(Sirr al sirr). The Mystery within the Mystery. The Breath within the Breath. This is the greatest subtlety through which Allah isolates Himself from His slave.


(Sitr). Curtain or veil or covering or concealment. That which veils you from that which will make 'you' disappear. Also known as the 'wrapping of the universe'. In reality, Allah does not place anything behind a curtain. That which covers the Truth...


(Siwa) is that which is 'not Allah'.

su al-adab
Bad Manners

(Su al adab). Blatant discourtesy or bad manners. Su al adab is the discourtesy towards any thing or moment or circumstance, which in reality is discourtesy towards Allah. Discourtesy is the bitter fruit of ignorance. Increase in Knowledge of Allah b...

Glorified, The

(Al Subbuh). The Glorified - a Divine Name.


Purified One. The name Sufi applies to the man or woman who has purified his heart through the Remembrance of Allah, travelled the Path of Return to Allah, and arrived at True Knowledge. There are many seekers of Wisdom and Truth, but only the Realiz...


(Sufli). It the opposite pole to that which is high ('ulwi). The cosmos is comprised of many such pairs.


(Suhba). This term applies most specifically to the spiritual relationship which exists between the Murshid and his murid. The basis of such companionship is mystical conversation and communion, both of which intensify as the murid's heart becomes pu...

sujud (sajda)

(Sujud/ Sajda). Sujud is the outward symbol of the self-effacement of the slave in his Lord. It is the lover's annihilation in the Beloved. If it is Allah Who you want, get down in the dust. Prostrate before the One and Only.


(Sukr) is spiritual intoxication. It is an absence from self-awareness brought about through a powerful spiritual influence such as immersion in the Remembrance of Allah, finding Allah within the spiritual concert, or the glance of a friend of Allah....

sukr al-jam'
Intoxication of Union

(Sukr al jam'). This is the drunkenness which is experienced in the pure union which has no trace of separation (individuality).


(Sukun) is silence or stillness. This is the great silent stillness of the Essence to which the hearts of the lovers of Allah yearn to return.


(Sulaiman). The Prophet Solomon (Peace be upon him) through whose Word descended the Wisdom of the Merciful Beatitude (al hikmat ar-rahmaniyyah).