The Language of the Future
Sufi Terminology
by Murshid F.A. Ali ElSenossi

Order by: Arabic English


al-mala' al-a'la
Supreme Assembly

(Mala al 'ala). The higher plenum or Supreme Assembly. The Supreme Assembly indicates the angels and those spiritual beings, the Noble Friends, who are closest to Allah.


(Mala'ika). The very substance of the angels is woven from light. The light from which the angels have been shaped is not the Light which is Allah Himself, but it is the radiance emanating from Light or Sheer Being. It is the fourth portion of the fo...

al-mala'ikat al-muhayyamun
Angels - Enraptured

(Mala'ikat al Muhayyamun). The Enraptured Angels who are lost in love and contemplation of Allah and who stand at equal rank with the First Intellect.

Angelic Realm

(Malakut). The celestial and angelic realm. The World of Dominion. A Master said, 'I have no morning and no evening'. 'Morning' pertains to manifestation, the world of the kingdom and the visible. 'Evening' belongs to non-manifestation, the world of...


(Malal). For the knower ('arif) and the lover ('ashiq) of Allah there can be no boredom, either in this world or the next, because of the ever renewing Self-disclosures with which Allah floods their hearts in each instant.

People of blame

(Al Malamatiyya). These are the Perfect Ones. Their exteriors never disclose the reality of their interiors. They are those who know and are not known. Al malamatiyya are Allah's perfect slaves, Allah's perfect lovers, Allah's perfect knowers. They ...

King, The

(Al Malik). One of the Beautiful Names of Allah.

Malik al-Mulk
King of Absolute Sovereignty, The

(Al Malik al Mulk). One of the Beautiful Names of Allah.

Divine Thrall

(Ma'luh). The divine thrall. The ma'luh is the object in respect of which a god is a god. Allah, as Divinity, demands the existence of the divine thrall. This is the same correlation as that which exists between the Powerful (al Qadir) and the object...

al-ma'luh al-mutlaq
Divine thrall-nondelimited

(Ma'luh al mutlaq). The nondelimited divine thrall. This is the Perfect Man who accompanies Allah in every Self-disclosure and the Perfect Slave who through his nothingness and self-effacement manifests all the Divine Names in the Name 'Allah'.

Object of knowledge

(Ma'lum). The object of knowledge. Allah, as the Knower (al 'Alim) requires an object of knowledge (ma'lum), just as the Powerful (al qadir) requires an object of power (maqdur) etc.

Object of knowledge-nonmanifest

(Ma'lumi Ma'dum). The entity who has not yet been brought into existence through the Divine Command and is therefore in a state of 'relative' non-existence, is known by Allah within His Eternal Knowledge. This entity is the 'known non-existent' .


(Mamnu'). The People of Truth declare that Self-disclosure of the Essence is impossible.

Everyone and all things

(Man). Everyone and all things. 'Man' applies to all things, not just that which understands ('aql). Everything glorifies Allah in praise and no one glorifies who does not understand the exaltedness of Him whom he is glorifying and praising. All thin...

man'arafa nafsahu 'arafa rabbah
He who knows his own Self, knows his Lord

(Man' arafa nafsahu 'arafa Rabbah). This hadith contains the very essence of the Sufi Teaching and is therefore one of the strongest supports of the higher teaching. In knowing one's own self one attains to Knowledge of Allah. But this is not Knowled...