The Language of the Future
Sufi Terminology
by Murshid F.A. Ali ElSenossi

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(Mujaddid). The Holy Prophet Muhammad promised that a renewer of the religion (deen) would be sent by Allah at the head of every hundred years.

Spiritual Struggle

(Mujahadah). The spiritual struggle and endeavour against the passions and downward-pulling tendencies of the lower self. Mujahadah is the ceaseless combat called the Greater Holy War. The war is fought with the celestial weapons of the Remembrance o...

Spiritual Warriors

(Mujahidun). These are the spiritual warriors who are engaged in the spiritual struggle (Mujahadah) of the Greater Holy War. The Mujahidun have turned towards Allah through the Remembrance of His Most Holy Name and endeavour to honour the Trust by fu...

One who answers prayers, The

(Al Mujib) is the One Who Answers Prayers. One of the Beautiful Names of Allah.

Giver of Existence

(Al Mujid). The Giver of Existence. One of the Divine Names of Allah.


(Mu'jiza). A mu'jiza is the miracle of a Messenger or Prophet of Allah (Peace be upon all of them), as distinct from the miracles (karamat) of the friends of Allah. A miracle is intended to display Allah's action in Power and Wisdom. Cause and effec...

Beyond description

(Mujhulun-nat). That which is beyond description. The Essence Itself.


(Mukashafa). When the explanation of something expressed symbolically becomes apparent to someone with 'some force' and this causes an increase in state. There are three kinds of opening - the opening of verbal expression in the outward dimension a...

mukawwin al-asbab
Engenderer of Secondary Causes

(Mukawwin al Asbab). Those who see the One who engenders the secondary causes and never deny Allah, have clear sight.


(Mukhalafa). Opposition or incompatibility. Man has within him the possibility of setting himself up in opposition to Allah. The prescriptive command brings this possibility into existence. On a low level this opposition is in the form of a refusal t...


(Muktasab). That which is earned. When a man sincerely endeavours to put the noble character traits into practice the traits are earned through that endeavour. The spiritual stations are acquired through endeavour and struggle. They are earned, in co...

Kingdom of Allah

(Al Mulk). This is the phenomenal world, the macrocosm. Allah's kingdom is the possible things, the entities. We are His kingdom and through us He is King. This kingdom is the place of manifestation of the Divine Names. A Master said, 'I have no morn...


(Al Mulqiyat). The term 'the Casters' refers to those angels who cast the knowledge of unseen realities into the hearts of the knowers and lovers of Allah.


(Mumathala). Knowledge of Allah can be gained through contemplation on those Divine Names whose likeness is found within the cosmos. These are the Names of Similarity (Tashbih).

Al Mu'min

(Al Mu'min). The Believer, the Source and Guardian of Faith. One of the Beautiful Names of Allah. See Holy Qur'an 59:23.